We kept working, making armor, fences, felling timber, getting ready for the Stampede which would happen and we wouldn't wouldn't know how much more time we had to prepare, but at least the crops already grew and where harvested, they seemed to be some kind of pink potato and a blue radish, how they tasted I didn't know since they went towards the village storage at Elders Brontus and Kavko house and the Outpost.

When me and Ti'oh went out over these ten days the creature seemed to get progressively more agressive, smarter and stronger.

We going since yesterday, because it could happen anytime now, we even started to take shifts with Captain, Jivs and Metania so they could rest some more. It was really tough job to do.

Nordya learned some spells which I don't have the slightest idea of what they were, hope they turn to be useful against the bunch of beasts we would face from the Stampede.

Today is the fifteenth day after the day in which the Moon Alignment happened, I got a gut feeling that today we start fighting for our lives and village, these ten days me and Ms. Agnes strengthened the village by stacking two meter high half logs in the perimeter of the barrier, held together by an extensive use of iron fences to turn the wall sturdier, we also added some metal spikes at the wall, trying to make shorter work of any bezerk beast charging, we also added a steel barricade towards the outside, as a measure of safety for the walls to remain straight.

It took a long time to make all of these, but it was all worth the little bit of more protection we could get, Jivs and Metania told me that every wall built would always end up as scrap wood for the fireplace. I hope this time is different, but I don't have high hopes.

Everyone were already trying to put everything at the Outpost and were from today on sleeping there, it was cramped, but still dignified.

On my turn to have lunch the floor started shaking a little... Damn, I wanted to eat my wife cooking!

Everybody ran towards the outside while me, Ti'oh, Captain, Jivs and Metania went directly on the scaffolds I built with Grandpa Doh and Ms. Agnes. We saw that there were many trees falling and a dust cloud in the distance.

There was also behind this heavy dust cloud some black dots inside it, probably some birds.

All of us readied the spears Grandpa made to try and poke all of the beasts who came close.

A bunch of small felines came towards the barrier, bypassing as they run without a care, directly ramming into the wall and spikes.

Since them I used the Eruption technique Ti'oh taught me and started to pierce those who came close to the west side of the walls, it was really hard while trying to maintain balance from the constant impacts on the wall.

These spears are amazing, just one poke hitting the side and the beasts would fall immediately.

The first wave was done, I killed about 10 felines from the top of the wall, the next wave was coming and it was a bunch of Headless Horses, which were flaming horses with fire for a face, they looked between beast and elements had a baby with the face of the father a body of the mother, truly scalp tingling things.

They trampled the bodies if the dead cats and started to melt and put everything on the way on fire, I was really worried if the walls and the spikes would endure such heavy and fiery assault.

I looked at Ti'oh and Captain to see what would be the next order be and they pointed forward and shouted together:

"GET DOWN THERE AND ATTACK!" while also jumping over the walls, Elder Brontus stayed at the Outpost in case of any creature trying to get advantages from the chaos.

I covered my whole being and equipment with Ki, since it was an elemental hybrid beast coming at us, I started slicing them with my heavy sword, since at most I could poke one of them, before having to give up my spear, my task was to take any leftover beast from Ti'oh and slice it cleanly.

Ti'oh slashed towards the first one, felling it but other three Headless Horse came afterwards, he slashed one more down and heavily wounded the third.

Since it didn't have an clear head I cut towards the side of its torso dodging sideways the healthier one, slicing it cleanly, it dropped on the floor behind me from the momentum and the last wounded one I shield bashed it, making it stagger so I thrusted my sword at its heart, making it fall afterwards.

These Headless Horses after being killed turned into red hot Fire Mana Stones, I grabbed the two I sliced, then just as I finished three more came my way, so I had to slice the first one legs off, the second came just after and since I was recovering from the slash I slammed it towards the Legless Horse, thrusting at the third one and using the momentum with a pivot of my sword arm towards the little pile I made, it hit squarely at the staggered and trying to get up horse. It didn't resist and three Mana Stones appeared at the pile, I put them on my pocket and more horses came with bigger flames as well, it seems as if this is going to happen for some time.

This time Ti'oh only let one of them come at me, he managed to use Eruption in some wide sweep, felling four horses at once.

I cut towards its legs since it is a bit bigger than the other horses, barely cutting one and only slashing halfway on the second. Since I didn't want to lose my first made sword, I used the Presas de Lycanrir Eruption, making my azure flame sword and claw cut the second leg, since I could save some Ki I used Presas de Lycanrir Ki Gathering Method Hammer Variant with the sword, hitting it with full strength and a downward slash, where I struck I felt as if I broke many bones and ripped its muscles apart, this one left a two centimeters diameter Mana Stone, the others left a one centimeter diameter stones.

The next wave of Headless Horses came and five came my way, the size of the first ones, I slashed the first with the Eruption Fang, bashed the second with the shield, thrusted at the third, dodged the fourth and slashed the fifth.

"Incoming!" I shouted towards anyone at the Outpost to give support with long range magic or spears, I heard an explosion sound, so I think it will be fine.

I got the Mana Stones again, they looked like the small beads I used to play with my father and brothers when I was a small kid on the other world.

I think the horses were done, so I took a hammer that I used for forging which I brought with me, to start gathering Ki with Presas de Lycanrir, since it was more effective than the Asura Forma I learned.

It looked like there was a small window between now and the next wave, so I drank some water and bit some sandwich, it was some white meat and lettuce wrapped in two slices of bread.

It was enough to keep me going for a while longer, we also went back towards our scaffolds to keep our lookout with spears at hands, talking about equipment my shield took quite the beating, it was a little indented from all the blows.

Soon the earth started to shake yet again, this time heavier vibrations with a greater pause between each interval from before, suddenly it came into our view, a huge beast, it had a lion face with some kind of tumour growing on it and a body of a moose with a scales covering it whole and an scorpion sting, it was something alike to a Chimera, but quite different and made me feel chills in my scalp, just as I had felt each time my life was in danger, this thing is bad news, definitely, I looked at Ti'oh and he shouted out loud:

"Don't fear it! Ready your disposable spears to throw at this aberration which is still mutating, it is in pain and needs to be put out of its misery, aim for the flesh tumour!"

We all ready our smaller spears, it looked like those darts from that crazy sport people played in the world championship.

"At my orders!" Elder Brontus shouted from behind me "Ready!"

We all got our spears ready in throwing position, but we waited a while till that monster was almost inside the barrier and nothing, when the tip of it's front hoove would touch the barrier, we heard the order.


Suddenly we all threw the spears at the molten amalgamation of flesh growing out of its neck, blood started to drizzle, it roared and tried to run towards the village.

"Ready...FIRE!" Soon the second volley of spears went towards its neck, making a bigger amount of blood to flow from the gashing wound.

"Ready...FIRE! IN YOUR POSITIONS TO INTERCEPT!" Elder Brontus roared and after throwing the third spear I ran towards its right flank to hit its ribs gaps and make it weaker.

With Eruption always active while striking the Chimera I managed to tear of some scales on the first attack, under it was a rosy skin with a metallic sheen on it, but I kept slashing until where I hit trembled a little as if bothered by it making me step away from quickly, a poison sting came flying at my direction, but luckily it only hit the ground, getting itself stuck and discharging a large dose of poison in the ground, turning it black with a light hue of yellow.

Seeing such perfect opportunity, I push myself to step in and slice of the sting part of its tail, Erupting as I never did before, I step in with a huge amount of strength on my feet, I struck and quickly the stinger remained, while the tail swung backwards with a great amount of force, making a lot of blood rain.

Using this moment of imbalance Ti'oh and Captain Vermont jumped at its neck, penetrating the spear heavy wound with a huge Aura attack, its neck was cut and the lion head fell heavily at the ground.

"Yes! We did it!" I shouted excited about killing this giant monster which was four meters tall by ten meters long, it was really big, but the most important thing was that nobody was hurt and we could hurl it towards the village to enjoy the materials it would give the rumbling of the ground stopped for now.

Everyone were laughing at my excitement, everyone helped throwing the big thing at Jivs barn, if we got lucky it might have some eggs we could use and have domesticate livestock again.

And this was just the start of the Stampede...

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