Soul Of The Primordial Remanent

Chapter 39 - Suppressed

"I didn't save you this time, only when you were a child," in silence, two vortexes reflected surfacing his eyes, once Ishkin gazed upward into the distance, "my brother, a price must be paid to defend you. If I had extinguished the cursed flames within the forest, we would never meet as I would dissipate the remaining half of my available memories."

"Ha?" Catching the unexpected response, Rais instinctively darted his eyes and lifted his ear.

"Nevertheless, I had prepared to defend you once more, Rais. Even accepting my demise, not rejoining my supreme soul, dwelling behind the black golden gate. Although I merely strive to experience my memories, I lacked other options; since if I fail to protect you, I would vanish alongside you. Then again, even if I had a choice, I wouldn't neglect the tiny baby, I watched, growing up before my eyes.

While listening, Rais turned towards Ishkin while holding a heartfelt smile, deciding to rid the mind of several queries.

"What if I hadn't agreed to help you? Wouldn't you have sacrificed yourself for a sham?"

"No, you definitely wouldn't have abandoned me, even if I didn't protect you. Your mind Rais, it is too adventurous, your curiosity wouldn't allow you to forsake such an otherworldly prospect. Since an unambitious soul would never say these words, "speak not of the whisper of the mind, revel not thou d.e.s.i.r.e."

"Oh brother, now you are quoting me? Whatever, I will uncover the means to unlock that golden vault and take my brother back to his realm. If I must reassemble the Gods Throne, so be it," Rais declared in a boastful manner.

"Whatever this Gods Throne you speak of?"

"Ha? The thirteen models of structures you showed me earlier assemble into such."

"You know the current wielder! And why do you expect to reassemble it?"

"There exists no wielder, since its destruction during the closing of the previous era; moreover, no person knows all the remnants whereabouts."

"How is that possible, what kind of f.u.c.k.e.d-up realm am I in," Ishkin stared at Rais as if his spouse kicked him in the gut after his wedding dinner.

"Come on, cheer up; you can't quit that easily, no matter how impossible it seems," Rias playfully patted Ishkin's head. Despite the otherworldly prospect, Rais bore no pressure since he always avoided steering towards an unreachable objective, convincing himself to tackle unfavorable matters gradually.

"Maybe I held my own inclination for wanting to enter the Throne Restorers, though I mustn't convince anyone of such grand d.e.s.i.r.e, not even myself," Rais though to himself while shaking his head to rid of such wild imaginations.

"Well, nothing comes easy, nevertheless, quite unexpected," recovering from the unthinkable prospect, Ishkin replied in an understanding manner.

"Definitely," coinciding with Ishkin Rais redirected the subject, "brother, you said you didn't protect me, then how did I survive within the forest?"

"Right, remember I insisted you did something unthinkable that shouldn't be humanly possible, you somehow manifested an innate spirit seal. Although yet not fully activated, it will be within two-three years. Thus, I had doubts if you were human, but surprisingly you are, more human than most people around you. The weird thing is, I often doubt what I beheld with my own eyes."

"Can't a human unlock it? Since humans can cultivate their soul with spiritual force like other mortals."

"Anyone with enough experience can manifest it; though Rais, you don't even know what a spiritual seal even is. Besides, a human can't unlock it without the influence of a powerful external catalyst."

"Fair enough, but why not try recalling the successive events before manifestation, perhaps there was a catalyst that you had missed," thinking of the necessity for a catalyst, Rais stated in an unconvinced manner.

"Let's see, I had prepared to deflect the curse, but I halted after seeing your bloodline activate for a moment."

"I have a bloodline!" hearing such a claim for the first time, Rais grew excited.

"Most people dose; a traumatic situation leads people to unlock their bloodline potentials, and you Rais don't lack such events. Your bloodline had remained suppressed with the aid of the red pendant hanging on your neck. Your mother must have placed an extra rune on the necklace beside the curse restraining runes. Hence, preventing you from unlocking your bloodline since it is very distinctive and eye-catching. Similar to your fathers, so It's better for you if it remains suppressed."

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