She fixed her gaze on him, and he responded in kind as though expecting a response from her.

She pondered if he had been among the survivors when he passed away. That would imply he must have perished at least five times to be able to be acquainted with her…

She was unaware of the situation, so she inquired politely, “Have you been back? If so, when and how many times?”

He could not divulge his plans to regress to the other players, having already experienced the consequence of doing so when the protagonist perished. Thus, he was unable to share his intention with anyone else.

The individual before her has endured tragedy after divulging a confidential matter to another person.

She does not wish to witness death in person, regardless of the individual’s mental state. Furthermore, she is uncertain of the protagonist’s consequences after such an occurrence.

After concluding that it was best not to overanalyze the situation, she somewhat regretted her decision to accompany him. Nevertheless, she was reassured that the world was still turning and that they would eventually be reunited.

“Is that so? Then let’s move on. But this place is good for sleeping and getting healed if you’re hurt, but there’s nothing to eat, so we can’t stay here for long. Not to mention there’s no bathroom.”

“The restroom is near our location. However, obtaining food is a bit more challenging since the convenience store is slightly further away.”

“What about the cafeteria?”

“It is nearer than the nearby convenience store, yet a short distance away.”

“Alright then.”

The decision to visit the convenience store was not wise, as it was likely to be overrun by survivors shortly and was considered a hot spot for zombies. Such may explain the reaction he had, given the circumstances.

The cafeteria had limited options, as most food items required preparation. However, they were able to purchase bread and beverages. The only downside was the distance to the cafeteria, as they would likely encounter many zombies en route.

If she accompanied the protagonist, she could expect a variety of scenarios to unfold. She recalls one involving a mutant zombie in particular.

It would not be detrimental to their health to abstain from eating for one day, so why don’t they remain here for the evening?

She approached the bed and took a seat. She observed the sunset through the curtains and noticed the light streaming in from the bathroom had taken on a sunset hue.

The sun was out as they made their way from the cafe to the school. However, due to the winter season, nightfall came quickly. Visibility was reduced in the evening, making it more challenging to combat the zombies than when the sun was out. Consequently, they had to remain in the area until the sun rose.

She resisted the urge to lie down and rest, going to the storage drawers where the medicine was kept. As darkness descended, she had to be mindful of the possibility of mutant zombies that had the same vision as humans, so she opted to light candles and lighters to illuminate the room. She placed them on the table next to the bed.

As the sun sets, the darkness will become more intense. If they turn on the lights, they may go out, so it may be wise to opt for candlelight. Though it may be dim and uncomfortable, it is likely the safest option.

“It is advisable that we cover the windows with curtains to keep our presence discreet from those outside.”

“Okay, let’s do that.”

After completing the necessary window treatments and making preparations, she returned to bed. Once all the arrangements had been made, nothing else could be done. She had nothing further to communicate to Lee-Do-Yoon.

‘…I guess I’ll sleep.

He mentioned that he had graduated from a local high school and had not anticipated having to return in such a manner.

“Oh, I see…”

“As I have recently turned 20, I had hoped to socialize with my peers and partake in some recreational drinking. I also hope to tour college campuses upon the release of admissions decisions. Unfortunately, it appears that this may be difficult to arrange.”

“Understandably, the current circumstances are not ideal. However, they will likely be resolved shortly.”

The initial spark was fleeting, yet it marked the start of something she was eager to see develop. Nevertheless, Lee-Do-Yoon’s dejected posture left her helpless, so she resorted to dishonesty. She was perplexed as to why he was conveying this to her.

After that, he began to provide her with anecdotes about himself that she had not inquired about. Initially, she was courteous and offered replies. However, eventually, she began to ponder why she was engaging in this. Her posture shifted from seated to reclining, and her responses became more succinct.

Despite this, he did not appear discontent with her demeanor and continued to converse. After a period of attentiveness, her eyelids drooped without noticing. She wished she would be in her abode instead of the medical facility when she awoke. She gradually drifted to sleep while his words played a soothing melody.

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