Opening the door, Chen Xing saw Zero lying on the bed, her little belly exposed. He couldn’t help but walk over and gently kissed her belly. Then, after covering her , he sat down next to her and quietly watched her sleeping face. He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: This dimension travel journey is really worth it!

【Is this worth it? Just because of a romantic relationship? You’ve changed!】

Chen Xing saw his sour expression and pouted: “Poor you.”

【??? What are you saying? What do you mean?】

“Such a pity.”


“So pathetic! Sigh~”


“Um…” Little Zero suddenly opened her blurry beautiful eyes. Upon opening her eyes, she saw Chen Xing sitting beside her, quietly watching her. Her initially slightly dazed face instantly lit up with a smile, and she raised her two little arms on the bed. “Heehee… hug ~”

Seeing this, Chen Xing bent down and lifted her up in his arms. Zero hung onto him, lightly resting her chin on his shoulder: “Hehe~ Good morning!”

【Good morning? You should say ‘good morning, you were amazing last night!’】

Chen Xing: ?????

“Um… you were amazing last night~”


Chen Xing couldn’t help but laugh and gently pinched her cheek: “You’re so silly.”

“… you’re the silly one!”

After a simple wash, Zero sat on Chen Xing’s lap. It was time for him to feed her again. “Um… by the way, Teacher Xue didn’t say when to go to class today?”

“Uh…” Chen Xing awkwardly paused for a moment, then quickly said: “There are no classes today, it’s a holiday.”

“Holiday? Really!”

“Yes, really!”

“That’s great!”

Nobody dislikes holidays.

“Then I’m going to get my driver’s license! Hmph…”

“Today?” Chen Xing had originally wanted to enjoy some rare alone time with her.

“Yep!” After saying that, Zero brought up the Spirit System and directly registered online.

The driver’s license assessment in Huaguo is divided into four stages: Stage One: Basic Theory (Subject One) Stage Two: Basic Skills (Subject Two) Stage Three: Basic Road Practice (Subject Three) Stage Four: Dangerous Road Practice (Subject Four). The difficulty naturally increases with each stage.

How difficult is it exactly? Why are there so few cars on the roads in Hua country, even though they are in the city and there is never any traffic congestion? Why can the speed reach 200 km/h? It’s because the driver’s license is so difficult to obtain that not many people can pass the test. Without a driver’s license, one cannot buy a car!

Of course, Chen Xing is an exception. He can have any car he wants.

Suddenly, the pleasant voice of the Spirit System rang out:

【Preparing for the Basic Theory assessment. If the assessment is failed, no further applications can be submitted within fifteen days.】

【Preparing to disconnect all network connections to prevent cheating. Preparing to disconnect synchronization with the Spiritual Perception to prevent cheating.】

“You’re going to take the test directly?” Chen Xing was somewhat surprised. Generally, don’t you have to study the theory first before taking the test?

“Um… I clicked the wrong option… What should I do? Waaah…”

“Haha… Can you cancel it?”

“Waaah… I can’t!”

Chen Xing couldn’t help but laugh and gently rubbed her head: “It’s okay, I’ll help you.”

“No, I want to do it myself!” Just as she finished speaking, the voice of the Spirit System sounded again:

【The exam is starting. The entire exam process will be recorded in audio and video. Please conduct the exam properly.】

After hearing this, Chen Xing closed his mouth and dared not speak. He was afraid of distracting her.

Zero bit her lip and looked at the panel in front of her with her beautiful eyes.

Chen Xing couldn’t see the panel. She gestured and pointed in the air, appearing somewhat relaxed.

The exam consisted of 200 questions. One hundred questions on basic automotive theory. Eighty questions on road traffic regulations. Twenty random test questions. To pass the assessment, one could only get ten questions wrong.

Although Chen Xing hadn’t taken an Earth driver’s license exam, he had heard that Subject One was easy as long as you had hands. Seeing Zero so relaxed, he assumed that Subject One in this world would be just as simple.

“Um…” Zero suddenly spoke up, and Chen Xing looked over to see that she had furrowed her adorable eyebrows. Her finger hovered in the air without tapping on anything. After a while, she finally tapped on an option.

But just one second after tapping, Zero immediately pouted, her face filled with annoyance and regret.

“Oh…” She bit her lip tightly, and the previous sense of ease disappeared from her face. She had to think for a long time for each question.


“What’s wrong, Zero?” Chen Xing tried to communicate with her using the Spirit System. But she didn’t respond at all.

【It’s useless. The Spirit System has already cut off the communication between you and her.】

“Block it!”

【No problem! Here I come… Little sister… hehe!】

Chen Xing: “You’re not serious.”


San’er’s efficiency was extremely high. As soon as he finished speaking, he blacked out the Spirit System. So Zero heard what Chen Xing said. “How did you come in… Get out quickly…”

“I just wanted to… bleh! I just wanted to take a look, I won’t speak.”

“You can’t! I’m in the middle of the exam, and the consequences would be severe if I’m discovered!”

【Don’t worry, no one will find out. If someone does, I’ll chop off their head and feed it to you.】

“Eww… I won’t eat it… You’re so disgusting…”


Chen Xing stifled a laugh and had San’er duplicate a copy of the exam panel in front of Zero and bring it to him. The panel now displayed the exam questions.

It showed Question 160 – Random Question. Number of incorrect answers: 8/10

Wow, she got eight questions wrong already? If she gets two more wrong, it’s game over, right?

What he didn’t know was that all eight wrong answers from Zero were in the random questions. She got all the others right!

Looking at Zero’s current state of anxiety, Chen Xing glanced at the panel. Let me see what’s so difficult about Subject One.

Random Question: When you’re driving on the aerial road in the city at a speed of 200 km/h, suddenly an old lady appears ahead, crossing the road. She happens to be walking in your lane. What should you do?

A: Don’t slow down, hit her and end her daredevil life!

B: Slow down and change lanes, roll down the window, raise the middle finger as you pass by, and kindly remind her with beautiful words.

C: Honk the horn like crazy right in front of her, urging her to walk faster, and turn on the hazard lights to alert the cars behind.

D: Pull over to the side, help the old lady walk to a safe place.

Chen Xing was puzzled: “Isn’t this quite simple? Why is Zero hesitating for so long…”

He guessed that maybe she had encountered difficult questions before and made too many mistakes, so now she was afraid to make another move.


She hesitated to press the button, unsure of what to choose. Finally, Zero hesitantly chose option D!

Helping the old lady cross the road, that’s good, that’s very Zero. From a humanitarian perspective, it’s indeed the right choice.

Suddenly, a big cross appeared on the panel!


Another wrong answer!

“Oh no!”


Chen Xing couldn’t help but laugh: “You fool, for this question, it’s obviously option B!”

Zero glanced at option B: raise the middle finger and warn with kind words. She furrowed her cute little brows: “Um… is that really it?”

【 Hahaha! Don’t mess with her, bro. The answer to this question is option A! 】

“Oh no… why?”

Chen Xing pouted: “Are you talking nonsense?”

“See for yourself!” Then another panel appeared, clearly indicating the correct answer.

The correct answer was A: Hit her to death!


Zero and Chen Xing exclaimed in disbelief at the same time!

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