10 years to create.

10 years to master.

It was what Archer said to Shirou about UBW in the original.

I tried all chants, I even combine or rephrase them, but it always fails.

I don't have twenty years to spent on it.

But then I realized it.

One way or another, the Shirou Emiya we know in the different routes and timelines gained the Reality Marble through interactions with Archer.

That's my problem. There is no Archer.

My integration in Nasuverse completely changed things. All Shirou Emiya's, in the different timelines were change, in some way, to became... well me. I don't exactly remember my past name anymore.


It all makes sense now.

My difficulties are in fact the manner in which the 'story' tries to fight back the changes made.

And there is only one way to f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y stop that. Make a deal with Alaya.

If I were to be acknowledged by the world, my 'fate' would change to match my wish gained from the contract.

But what would I want in exchange of eternal servitude?

Power. No, that's cliche.

Knowledge. HAHAHA... Funny, I know.

A special contract. Maybe.

To sell my soul on my terms could give some benefits in the long run.

Instead of eternal slave, I could be, some sort of, Part-time Janitor? Yeah, Janitor. Travel through time and space to clean the mess of others. A Space-Time Janitor. Weird Job description, but still it's better to chose which mess to clean. Like...

Alaya-"I got a job if you're interested."

Me-"Nah, I'm busy."

Alaya-"Do this job and you can take a couple of mouths off. How about that?"

Me-"Now we're talking."

This kinda deal is not so bad.


"Yes Sakura?"

"You were spacing out again."

"Sorry, I got lost in your eyes."

She blushes. So cute.

Five to six mouths have past since Sakura and I have became besties.

I met Aoi, if I'm not mistaken, four weeks after enrolling in school. It was also the day I had a real

conversation with Rin.

---( Flashback )---

It's raining.

I walking through the park without a umbrella. The cold rain helps me think.

I'm not scared with getting constipated, not with Avalon.

I stopped right in front of a puddle, staring at my own reflection. It had the empty gaze I show only when alone.

I can no longer remember my previous face, or name,... or life.

When I was reborn, I think I remember them. Probably.

Because of him.

No wonder he only feels anger.

When I was possessed by Avenger, I could feel it.

The corruption.

For only moments, I had every evil engraved in my body, soul and mind.

Thank God for the purification of the last divine wave. My sanity would be lost, if not for it.

It did gave me a fancy ability. I can feel the evil in people.

It mostly works on depraved individuals or sc.u.m that calls themselves humans. They have to be gigantic pieces of shit to work. Oh well, can't have everything.

Damn. I must really enjoy rain. I'm suddenly all nostalgic and shit.

But It seems I am not the only one...

"Lady, don't you think it's better to be in the warmth of home than outside in the cold rain?"

"The rain helps with her pain." A girl my age answered, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

"Rin Tohsaka." I easily identified her.

"And you are?"


"... Sakura's new friend."

"Only friend." I added.


"Maybe you could became her friend as well. You're her sister after all."

She froze, while I approached the older woman.

Avalon: The Everdistant Utopia. A nifty noble phantasm to have, If you're Artoria Pendragon and, until recently, me.

Funny thing about reality marbles really.

It's so easy to copy the aura and presence of other people from artifacts they used in their lives, when you can negate the concept of reality and force your ideals into the world.

Even if half-baked.

My circuits were possessed by the power of the scabbard, the ability to grant a absolute defense, a sort of bounded field that isolates the wielder from the world. It's true magic level of bullshit power.

The healing type of bullshit power.

A bit of structural analysis aaannddd... bingo found the problem. As I put my hand in the Tohsaka mother neck, the pulse of power is released.

Her veins shone in a golden light, then her nerves and so on...

By the time the light disappear she was good as new.

Not joking actually, fae artifacts do wonders for the skin.

My od is spent so Avalon won't auto heal me, now that is in cold down. Damn, at least it isn't raining anymore.

Gotta go home. I'm going to get sick, otherwise.

As I walk out of the park, I feel movement behind me, by the prana smell is clearly the twin ponytail tsundere.

"Just... who are you?"

"Your new friend. Sakura and I usually have a snack picnic in the school rooftop, you should join us."

The confused and curious face she making is hilarious, but I have places to be.

"See you tomorrow, Rin."


---( End of Flashback )---

Back to present times.

The Tohsaka sisters and me are having our usual lunch. Aoi's all heal up so custody of Sakura returned to her.

Seriously, that family story is ridiculous at this point. Almost a soap opera. The tension between the sisters is so heavy.

It turns the mood so weird when the three of us meet.

Rin-"The Mage Association is sending personal... there is a rumor that the Grail is malfunction."

Sakura-"The Church is also sending someone..."

Rin-"How do you know?... Wait. You still talk to that fake priest."

Sakura-"He's a nice person once you know him."

The sister's started bickering. AGAIN.

Shiro-"...After all this time... there's still a competition going on."

Rin-"Of course. You know very well that type of people."

Shiro-"Wasn't talking about organisations with hidden agendas."

Both look away pouting.

Shiro-"It's unlikely for the Grail to malfunction... But overworking is another story."


Shiro-"There is a entity named Angra Mainyu attached to the Greater Grail, he may have thinkered with it."

Rin-"Wait what? How come it's the first time I'm hearing about this."


Shiro-"Sakura are you alright?"

Sakura-"Yes I am, Shiro senpai. Why?"

Shiro-"The way you're smiling while looking at me. I thought you had something to say."

Sakura-"Well I'm just happy... You know."

Didn't take long for us to finish eating before the bell rang.

---( Scene Change )---

During the middle of Math class.

I grabbed a pen to write on a rather... special notebook of mine.

War Status. New update.

Remaining time: 4 years


Einzbern Magus family;

Tohsaka Magus family;

Fraga Magus family;

Mage Association;

Holy Church ( Possibly? )



Fraga-Mage Association;

Holy Church ( Possibly? )


Kotomine Kirei;

Gilgamesh ( Whereabouts still unknown );

Bazett Fraga McRemitz;


Dangerous individuals:

Sakura Toksaka ( Hidden Agenda )

By writing this down I thought I would discover how to continuing my preparation for the war, but guess I'm wrong.

So many things to do, so little time.

It's nerve wrecking.

----( ??? POV )----

Shirou closed his note book and started paying attention to the class.

He is so troubled by the Holy Grail War.

But his problems can so easily go away.

Why won't you say my name and surrender to me.

Or do I have to force you to make the decision.

My Guardian.

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