Blue Blood

Chapter 1 - A taste of death

Walking through the forest looking for the tree people online have started calling Yggdrasil, I think back to the picture posted of it online.

"There's no way a tree can be that beautiful, some human would have dug it up and put it in his yard." I thought out loud, already denying it's size. Thinking the picture taker made it bigger for more views.

I continue up the mountain, reaching the first peak, starting my climb down to reach the base of the mountain the tree grows on. I hear a strange chime, like a bell combined with the most soothing whistle I've ever heard. A beautiful song that sounds like what elves would sing, or how a phoenix would heal the soul. Looking around I can't see what caused it but it comes from the direction of (supposedly) the tree.

Passing all of the redwood trees that look like titans themselves I think of Yggdrasil, theres no way it's that big, right? Redwoods are supposed to be the biggest trees, even the largest (not tallest) tree is a redwood, the General Sherman, so big it looks fake in pictures.

I reach a fallen redwood and climb on top of it since its so long a detour would take longer, not bothering to pay attention enough to realize it's white, not red. Its base reaches towards where the online poster said Yggdrasil grows, walking across the fallen tree as long as I can so I can climb down closer to my target, the fallen redwood I'm on is longer than most trees in the forest.

"I guess such tall trees are the ones most likely to fall"

I continue until I feel a funny feeling, like I just passed something, like a sudden drop on a roller coaster at the same time I reach a break in the trees and there I see it, I'm not on a tree, I'm on a root. The root of a tree so ridiculous I should have seen it before even passing the first mountain peak, no, anyone within a few hundred miles should be able to see it piercing past were the clouds should be. Why couldn't I see it when below the mountain? Why do the clouds leave a mile and a half long circle around the tree like they can't get close to it? It's taller than the mountain I'm standing on.

"That sound again"

I look for the sound of chiming wind, or maybe it's some expensive flute. I look towards Yggdrasil's canopy, the sound is the loudest there. I'm glad I wanted to climb it, I think I would regret it forever if I don't see who's playing such a sound.

I get my climbing gear out, I'm glad I didn't bring my normal gear, even though It looked fake. Yggdrasil is too wide to climb with normal gear. I take out my pick, the kind people use to climb rock cliffs and start the climb.

It took 6 hours and all of my trail mix to almost reach the canopy, I had to rest on branches thicker than the General Sherman on the way up, and if I looked down I would see that I climbed way higher than should be possible, I would be able to see half of the world from were I am. Too bad I'm terrified of heights and never look down before reaching the top. I wouldn't have the will to continue climbing if I looked down now.

I don't think I have the ability to climb so far

"There it is again"

I've heard it six times since I started climbing, though now that I'm completely exhausted and near the top I can feel the sound doing something to me. My exhaustions slips away like it was never there and I feel more energy than even when fully rested. I continue the climb with an empty stomach just wanting to reach the base of the canopy where the higher branches branch out.

*Pick, Pick, Pick,

The music stopped early this time, maybe whoever is playing it heard my pick digging into the tree. I crest the top and am dumbfounded, the most beautiful bird I have ever seen. Fiery red, so red it looks like wisps of flame are coming off of it. Maybe I'm imagining the flames since I just worked harder than I ever have in my life.

My thinking is brought to an abrupt end when I realize the bird is alot further away than it looks.


It spreads its wings and dives down towards me, a circle of dust blown outwards by it's stellar landing.

"Human, what are you doing here?"

I don't have time to contemplate the fact that a bird other that a parrot can talk, or that it can ask questions, I can't even pay attention to it's larger than elephant size. Because as it lands the fierce winds it brought along send me off of the side of the tree before I can even enjoy reaching the summit. The bird looks at me like it's suprised I fell, only to stop caring and fly back to it's perch. As I fall I don't even scream because I'm more dumbfounded at my shitty luck.


At least I can say I completed the highest freefall without a chute since I didn't land at the base of the tree but the base of the mountain.


Damn, I didn't even feel it. I look around the blackness surrounding me, only for it to be replaced with a calming light.

Tormund:"Mortal, I thank you. My pet bird took all of my good seeds and ran away from home. It usually takes thousands of years for me to find him. And by then all of my herb seeds are gone. Even the tree you climbed was a seed he ate and pooped out."

I look at the giant humanoid light that spoke. Though a dwarf compared to the tree, all I can see is a giant.

"Wait, you mean it was your pet that killed me!?"

Tormund:"Yes, and I apologize for that, since this is the shortest time he has ran away and he killed you I will repay you. Just ask for three things and I, Tormund, lord of light will let you live again."

Contemplating If something like a god exists I'm interupted

Tormund:"I guess you could call me a god, though I got this strong through training, not birthright like the former gods of your world. Before you ask, I can only read your mind because your body is gone, no longer capable of keeping thoughts in your head. It's more like your thinking so loud anyone around can hear you."

Former gods, is this one of those people stopped believing so the gods died thing then? Oh, he nodded. Three wishes huh? If he were giving them to someone on his level I don't think he could do everything, but since I'm a mortal, I bet he could do a lot. It all depends on were I'll be reborn though.

Tormund:"Where I reincarnate you depends on your wish, you can't wish to be the only god In a universe that already has one afterall."

So he'll pick a universe that my wishes fit in then? Do those stories I read exist as universes I wonder. Oh, he nodded again, even though I feel like my privacy is being invaded not having to ask questions before they're answered is convenient.

"Then my first wish is to become a Blue Blooded Vampire, one that drinks mana/spiritual energy instead of blood."

Tormund:"That one is easy, though that species can't generate their own mana, so you'll have to absorb it from the enviroment or someone else to replenish your reserves.

"Thats a fair tradeoff, then if I wish for weapons that go in a set would I get both of them?"

Tormund:"You want Kanshou and Bakuya, the twin swords of yin and yang? I can give you both, but if you wish for something like the Gates of babylon, they will be empty and you'll need another wish to fill it."

Since I don't want to be like Gilgamesh, a master of none, I'm happy with Kanshou and Bakuya.

"Then for my last wish, I want knowledge on how to train my abilities, both magic and swordsmanship. Since I don't know when I will be able to find someone to train me, unless you tell me what world I'm going to."

Tormund:"I can do that, since it's such an easy wish you can have two things in it. It's a good wish too, since you won't be able to find people kind enough to teach you until you find out what series your in."

Series? So he decided to send me to a world I know and like since he heard me thinking about it? Another nod.

Tormund:"You don't know it as well as the other ones I could send you to, but for your species, It's the world your most likely to survive in. Just remember, you know the series, but you might not expect the world I'm sending you too. It will be hard to find out were you are but just keep looking and you'll find it, you have pretty good karma after saving your world afterall."

I don't have time to question how I saved earth since he pokes my head and I see black, am I now in my mothers w.o.m.b?

Tormund to himself:"Really, being so lucky that you find the tree that would destroy your world, then being able to climb a Yggdrasil that grows higher than every person in the world is able to climb, changing heights depending on the world it grows in. It sounds rude, but my pet killing him was really his good luck. If that damn bird didn't create a thread of karma between us I wouldn't have been able to take the tree from your world before it absorbed earth, I should really spank it until it shits all of my seeds out."

'I wonder how long it will take him to realize he's in the world of Touhou? Gensokyo is completely hidden from the outside world afterall and he's too weak to survive there. He needs to get stronger in the outside first. I probably should have told him he gained something from climbing the tree as well.'

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