You Plus Me Equals

Chapter 71 - Universe Creation.

Hi there, I have started a recent series called Tie Him To Me; it is this really amazing in-depth story that I came up with that actually ties all my novels together in this really amazing magical way. I have spent a full year working on these stories complicated, beautiful background and I really hope everyone can check it out. It is an Epic Fantasy Romance that takes place across 5 novels in the THTM universe. However, some of my characters from it will even appear in this series, and Lines Crossed books as the novel characters can all cross over.

If this sounds like something you would like, I will list all the novels that I currently, leave hints and clues, or have downright chapter extensions in other books that way you can follow along with it as well.

This novels second book

The Limit does Not Exist

Lines Crossed,

Tie Him To Me

If It's Your Love and

Each novel follows different couples in the same world, each story line is Parallel to SaintHearts in Tie Him To Me all event's happening in cohesion to the other, or chronologically close. If you do not want to miss out of the beautiful plots, and their epic details I highly suggest reading all of it for a more thematic scope of the story.

Tie Him To Me follows SaintHeart, HighMark RingTone

If It's Your Touch follows HighMark, NineSun and HoneyDew as well as all the rest of the couples.

How Much We Love. follows RingTone and NiceOne along with all the other couples of THTM.

While Lines Crossed follows MinaMark (MinMark) FelixWook or as we lovingly call their ship name (LixWook), haha sounds naughty I know. 

I know some people much prefer one and done novels, so I do want to point out that you can read all of these without reading the others, and you will feel like you might be missing some details, but it shouldn't ruin the experience. It is only for Book Two of THTM *which is actually chronologically book 5* that you will need to have read all the books to understand the novel, or you will be seriously lost.

I hope we can enjoy this magical world together


Premium chapters are not allowed to be less than 1000 words so I am going to post a small snippet of Tie Him To Me Below.


He was curious what could be going on, and cautious because this was Saint, king of terrors, master of a thousand demands, being sweet and kind, so often lately that he was pretty sure this was the real Saint and that other one was a hoax… or maybe they both were him.

He couldn't tell anymore, all he knew was he was falling for both sides of this crazy man. And when he did stuff like this, when he acted this way. He thought the world was, truly, utterly cruel, and wonderful at the same time.

'How can you give so much and then still withhold as much as you gave? Are you a demon sent to make me long for you until the day I day? Why can't you just tell me your feelings already? I need your words. I know what your mouth says, I know what it says on paper. And I can see it in your eyes sometimes. But you won't admit it. Why won't you admit it to me, to yourself, to anyone?'

Saint smiled gently. "Fireflies can't migrate, and to remove them from their habitat would be sealing them to a fate of death. I wanted you to see what it would be like. I wanted you to feel that magic. But fireflies are dying for many reasons in the world and we need them in our ecosystem. So even though I could capture a field and bring them to you, or fly you to see them in the off chance they may be active. I wanted you to have this, to experience it, because taking you someplace to see them would be bad. It could harm them, and it could also be a colossal waste of time. Because fireflies don't light up every single night. In fact, there are even some fireflies that never light up. But the ones that do…"

"The ones that do." Heart repeated softly.

"They are magical… Like this" Saint said, motioning around them.

"Did you know the light they bring to this world is the purest form of light? There is nothing in the world that shines like they do because they give off one hundred percent of the light they produce. If they were huge, their light would be the brightest you have ever seen, it is only because they are tiny, that they seem so dim."

"But even if they are far away from each other that light that they emit is so important to their life that they can't live without it."

"Why? What would happen if they didn't have their light?" Heart asked curiosity, having him inching forward with every word.

He felt strong hands glide across his back towards his waist in a soft motion to let him know he was close and Heart's hand drooped in startlement at the sudden feeling.

"They can't exist." He whispered from behind Heart's left ear.

Heart turned his chin slowly and stopped as his nose brushed up against Saint's nuzzling him gently as he cuddled into Heart's back. Saint's soft breath tickled the tip of his nose in the chilly winter air.

"But why?" Heart asked slowly, knowing Saint wanted him to, and because he couldn't help himself.

"They glow from the moment they are born, and as they grow, that light grows stronger, until they become m.a.t.u.r.e and they go out in search of the one who can answer their glow with a light of their own. They have a special dance, a pattern, they never learn the pattern they will dance, that will match them to their soul mate, it's ingrained in them, they call instinctively to their mate."

Saint wrapped his arms tightly around Heart and pressed his chin into the alcove of Heart's collar.

"Out of thousands of dances, only one can answer. In a sea of so many, they manage to find each other and they dance, they are together for all their life… and."

He paused, his voice lilting gently, almost unnoticeable.


"They die."

He looked over at Heart, their eyes catching and holding onto each other. Heart's breath caught at the sadness in Saint's face.

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