After the conversation, I followed Yuphon.

Apprentice members and lower-level members were mainly in charge of chores, which were performed under the guidance of intermediate members.

That said, each intermediate member was in charge of one team, and there were usually about five teams per floor.

“This is miss Eureia Craycia, who will be working with you from now on.”

The team I was assigned to was the fourth team on the second floor.

“Hello, I’m Eureia Craycia. I’m still lacking in many things, but I will try not to become a burden. I look forward to working with you all.”

As I bowed, I heard a short applause.

I didn’t know if it was Yuphon’s consideration, but there were a few familiar friendly faces in the fourth team.

There was Lia, my roommate, and Annie, waving her hand, Coco, eyes widening in surprise, and Geren, who was glaring at me as if he wanted to kill me.

How did they come together like this?

After Yuphon went back, the team leader, an intermediate member, introduced himself.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Karance. I’m the team leader of the fourth group. Oh, can I speak comfortably to you?”

“Yes, of course.”

Karance was a young man who gave off a gentle and amicable vibe.

He looked young but was already a mid-level member, which was impressive.

As I nodded willingly Karance smiled and said.

“Something about you is a little different from what I heard in the rumours.”

“Is that so?”

Knowing roughly how the rumours spread, I just quietly smiled.

Karancce blinked in surprise and burst into a hearty laugh.

“Nice, nice! I was worried that you wouldn’t like the mention of you being the vice-chairman’s lover, but I guess I no longer have to worry about it then. I like it.”

Actually, I was not Leone’s lover, but I didn’t think it was necessary to correct him, so I laughed along.

“Thank you.”

“Let me introduce you to our team. First of all, the smallest pink one over there is Lia, the youngest member of our team.”

“I’m in the same room as Eureia!”

“Oh? Ms. Yuphon was being considerate then.” Karance murmured lowly.

What’s going on?

This seemed unusual.

“Then Annie knows her, too?”

“Yes, I said hello to her at the cafeteria yesterday.”

Though I pretended not to know her, Annie waved her hand happily at me.

“And that mean-looking guy over there is Geren.”

“Team Leader!”

“What, this punk. Did I say something wrong?”


Geren trembled with indignance, then glared at me.

I didn’t even say anything. Why was he doing that?

I indifferently received his hostile gaze. Geren then bit his lip and turned his head away.

“And the poodle-like one over there is Coco.”

“We meet again.”

We had decided to say hello when we meet again, right?

When I greeted him by waving my hand, Coco’s face heated up.

He kept his head down and barely waved back at me.

Hmm…Looking at him like that, he does look like a poodle.

The introduction of the rest of the team was quick to come to an end.

“Today is your first day, so you can help Annie with her work. Is that okay?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Then let’s disperse with this and go to our respective positions! If anything happens, come to me right away.”

Karance was the team leader but did not work with his teammates.

His place of work was the middle-level magic tools room on the 4th floor.

He worked there and came down from time to time to check up on the progress.

As soon as Karance left, Lia and Annie approached me.

“Sis! I’m glad we’re on the same team!”

Lia clung to my waist and rubbed her face against me.


I smiled and patted Lia’s head. At the same time, I turned to look at Annie and said.

“Please take good care of me, Annie.”

“I also hope for you to take care of me as well.”

Annie smiled brightly. It was a good start.

But all of a sudden, sarcasm was heard from somewhere.

“I’m glad I don’t get involved with some parachuted!”

I was aware even without looking. It was Geren.

“Why are you picking a fight again? Mind your own business.”

Annie frowned, but Geren didn’t listen.

“Did I say something wrong? The parachuted must work even harder than others! Don’t cause any trouble and be obedient!”

“That’s really…”

“You punk…”

Annie clenched her fists and Lia muttered timidly.

I looked at him and quietly walked toward him.

Geren stared at me, a little taken aback, he probably was not expecting me to approach.


“You didn’t wear ‘Frema’ clothes today, did you?”


In an instant, Geren’s face turned red.

There were many people who were secretly watching. I didn’t bother lowering my voice so they all would have heard me too.

The story of yesterday’s incident, about how Geren wore ‘Frema’ clothes as if they were ‘Frea’, spread throughout the guild overnight.

Because Geren’s usual behavior was already bad, many people were happy about how yesterday turned out.

Laughter erupted from everywhere.

“You…you-, ugh! Just wait and see!”

Geren trembled and left the place as quickly as possible.

There was a moment of silence at the sight of Geren running away, and then other team members approached with laughter.

“Wow, I can’t believe I’ve lived to see the day that rascal runs away.”

“You’re awesome, really. That was so cool!”

“Hahaha, that bastard will be quiet for a while.”

“You’ll never know when that lunatic goes crazy again.”

I didn’t know before, but I could see for sure now, that Geren was a widely disliked person in the guild.

“Nice to meet you, miss Craycia. My name is Tom.”

“I-I am Killivan!”

“I’m Matthew.”


“I am Eureia Craycia. Nice to meet you all.”

Everyone became friendly all of a sudden and approached me, probably because I was credited with defeating Geren.

After greeting them, I got on the elevator with Annie.

The elevator went down to the basement.

“I think everyone likes Eureia.”

“Then I’m glad.”

“Actually, everyone had prejudices at first when they only heard of the rumours.”

Upon saying that, she stole a glance at me.

“Yes, it’s understandable.”

I accepted it readily.

Prejudice was expected even before joining the team.

Annie then let out a sigh of relief and continued.

“Everyone was nervous because the newly recruited was said to have a special relationship with the vice president. We thought you would be someone arrogant and only rely on his lord.”

“So, from Annie’s point of view, what kind of person do you think I am?”

“I think you are a good person.”

Annie replied with a grin.

“I heard a lot about Eureia from Lia, so much that it feels like scab is forming in my ears….”

I giggled quietly. Annie’s eyes, as she thought of Lia, were filled with love.

“When I heard from Lia about the noblewoman, I thought to myself, ‘what a nice person, I want to meet her someday’. And yet…”

Annie’s lips curled into a soft smile.

“She turns out to be an even more wonderful than I thought. “


The elevator stopped.

Annie smiled broadly and said.

“This is where miss Eureia will work today.”

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