The Sleepless Night of the Maid — Chapter 56

There was a small village called Benavi half a day away from the Rubel area. Sir Dantes, who the villagers adored and respected, lived here, despite being ordinary without much character.

As a commoner, he was a successful figure by serving as the head of the Imperial Order following his service as the leader of the Imperial Guard. He was also a person whom the current emperor cherished, trusted and kept with him for the rest of his life.

Returning to his hometown a few years ago, he awaited his death. But the people around him expected him not to pass this fall.

“Sir Dantes…”

Edward murmured as he saw the old man lying motionless. Before going to meet the Duke of Kensington, he had something to do, so he went south before coming back up. His schedule was busy, but when he heard that Dantes was dying, he couldn’t let it go. When he arrived, he thought he was glad he had come. Or maybe because he scarcely saw him.

Dantes couldn’t speak while watching Edward. Once roaring commands at the knights, he became an old and sick lion. His shining eyes were blurred and his lost face was full of wrinkles.

Looking at him, Edward realized how much time had passed, and his heart sank. It was sad that another ally was leaving him.

“Thank you so much. May you rest in peace.”

Edward, who gave his thanks, turned around.

“I’m… Ha….”

Hearing a small, faint call for him from behind, Edward turned back and rushed towards Dantes.

“Sir Dantes, are you awake?”

Relieved to hear his voice, Edward bent over and looked down closely at him. Dantes’ rugged lips were moving slightly as if trying to say something. Edward hurriedly lowered his face and put his ears near his lips.

“Ahh… Senate…”

An unclear word came out of Dantes’ mouth. Perhaps he had a hard time saying even two syllables, but he stopped talking to take a shallow, short breath.

Senate. Edward understood what Dantes said because he focused on listening. Of course, he could guess what he was trying to say. It meant that he needed to secure a majority of seats out of 70 senators. That way, he could get the upper hand when he entered a full-fledged throne fight.

Despite his status as crown prince, Edward had to continue his struggle for the throne. This was because the empress complained that Edward did not qualify for the right to ascend the throne.

The Emperor had two wives. They were Empress Mary and Queen Catherine, the biological mother of Edward. Catherine, who was infinitely loved by the emperor, changed the world as soon as she gave birth to a son. It was only after her death that the emperor promoted Catherine to Empress and made her son Edward the crown prince. It was an unprecedented treatment to promote the dead Empress even though there was already an empress. As such, the Emperor’s love and sadness for the queen were deep.

So the current empress claimed that the emperor’s heir was James, not Edward, to be correct. It was Empress Mary who officially married the emperor with the permission of the Holy Seer.

If the emperor was healthy, he wouldn’t dare to claim that, but he collapsed and didn’t know when he would die. In the meantime, the empress, who had the real power of the imperial family, began to show her true colours.

“I know what Sir wants to say. Don’t worry and relax.”

Edward said, lightly putting his hand on Dantes’ shoulder. He also knew that a majority of the senators had to be brought in, and that was why he went down to the south. Anyway, thanks to Dantes for caring so much even in his last moments, Edward stroked his skinny shoulder for a while before getting up from his seat.

After Edward turned around, Dantes’ mouth opened again with difficulty.

“The…. Cabinet…. Council…. meeting….”

But no one heard that.


When he left the room, Dantes’ elderly wife was waiting for Edward.

“Thank you for coming, your highness. Be careful when you go.”

“My lady, please stay healthy”.

Edward turned around with a light smile.

As he walked along the hallway, he noticed a rose pot sitting on one side. Several flowers bloomed splendidly and cleanly, perhaps because they were carefully cared for. When he saw it, Edward remembered the rose in the cold wind he saw a few days ago.

What happened to the flower?

“This one must be very comfortable.”


When Edward muttered while looking at the rose, Dantes’ wife tilted her head and asked.

“No, please take good care of yourself.” 

He turned around with a polite smile.

When he came outside, Count Holland and the security guard were waiting for him.

“We should reach the Rubel region by this evening.”


Listening to Count Holland’s report, Edward hoisted himself onto his horse and grabbed the reins. The horses began to gallop one after another, led by the security captain.

Towards Duke of Kensington’s castle in the Rubel area.

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