Katlena, who responded politely, did something with a gentle attitude.


“Please eat. I’ve already contacted the foreign office before we left, so I hope we can get enough time to drink tea before we go to the ministry office.”


It is a distortion of simple conversation. Schaurillin’s purple eyes blinked. 


In a friendly voice, he made a request to Miro.


“Miro, I’m sorry, but can you buy the present? It’s been a while since I’ve met Gallois, so I wanted to get the gift myself rather than entrusting them all to Katlena and Ms. Newtide.”


He spoke in a calm tone, as he always did. 


The fairy added, his eyelashes down, as if it was a little shameless.


“I’d better take a moment and drink tea after eating with Katlena. We should have some time to relax and drink tea together.”


Miro immediately understood the word. Miro instantly nodded as he stood up.


“What should I get for a present?”


“Would it be enough to have the special wine from Rangvi Island? Also fruits from highlands, that would be good to accompany it, and wild milk cheese from the wilderness that Gallois likes. I will leave up to Miro to decide which item to choose.”


“Leave it to me.”


“I’m sorry, while during the meal.”


“It’s alright, I’ve already finished my meal.”


Miro smiled, saying, “Don’t worry”, and immediately left the restaurant after glancing at Shaurillin. 


Shaurillin said that, but it was obvious why he immediately sent out Miro. 


He wanted Miro to go to the center of the commotion, and then join them in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs later, where Shaurillin would take the items that he ordered. 


Shaurillin, Miro, and probably Katlena and Merlin Newtide know that it sounded blindfolded. 


Katlena narrowed her eyes and rubbed her chin as she watched Miro leave the restaurant urgently.






“It’s also been a while since I’ve seen Gallois, so can you also buy some wine and ham to go with it?”




Merlin Newtide silently left her window seat. 


Shaurillin asked leisurely.


“Now, shall we talk about diplomacy? Katlena, do you think the Alves have internal conflict?”


“Sweet words. You’ll check it out yourself anyway, right? You must have sent Miro out first for that. It’s not a secret between us that he has superior qualities in exploring mana than anyone else.”


She affirmed coldly.


“Apart from being able to use magic, it’s also a matter of how well one can detect it. What’s the point of having this talk if you’re going to assume he would know something?”


With a unique, sharp and authoritative face, Katlena Agreta, who has a calm smile as usual, answered kindly.


“Unless you’re sure Miro Rosway won’t be able to figure out what I’m thinking.”


Shaurillin knew at least that Merlin Newtide was sent out to disturb Miro Rosway. However, Instead of pointing out the fact, Shaurillin just smiled without answering. 


Katlena, who looked into his eyes with a sparkle of tenderness and lovely curves, generically refused his answer.


“That’s not like you, Katlena.”


Upon hearing that, Katlena Agreta paused for a few seconds before answering. Although the answer was delayed by a beat, simple calmness remained gently around her mouth.


“You speak as if you know me well.”


“Of course.”


Shaurillin replied leisurely without hesitation.


“Anyone in Roschodur knows the rumor of the iron-blooded duchess who shoots and kills spies hiding in her mansion. I also know the number of people that are “officially killed” by the black-flame mage, who can burn and kill people without leaving a trace. It must be obvious how cruel the power that you can wield. However, because you are such a person, I think you must have been more concerned about how to use it officially before dismissing those who hide recklessly as “unofficial”. Isn’t it?”



“I don’t think elves really change. Do they? It should be said that the ever-changing arts of a long-lived race are melted into each trajectory of life and judgment.”


Asking an untimely question, Katlena put a quiet smile on her unique static and sword-like face.


“But you know what, Shaurillin? A person can change in 15 years.”


“I think I’ve heard enough about you who’ve changed.”


“Well, that’s not the publicly-known Katlena Agreta. You probably don’t understand how many experiences and encounters can happen in a human in fifteen years.”


Katlena calmly asked monotonously. It was a question that led to a kind of disruption to the conversation.


“By the way, the cold dessert here is famous. Do you want dessert?”


“If there’s a cup of tea to share with you then I’m willing to add something sweet.”


Shaurillin was literally happy to match her tune. Before ordering dessert, they returned a paper with a menu of tea and sweet pastries.




As soon as Miro Rosway left the restaurant, he began following the magical flow in the air. 


Despite the fact that he is Shaurillin’s assistant, he is in most ways inferior to him, and the only skill that Miro has is his magical tracing work.


The magic was carried by a brief rush of wind, but it was rapidly swept away, and its source was lost. Miro Rosway had to go slowly and cautiously, running his hands over the traces that had been left between the streets like an afterimage. 


He takes a deep breath of the world’s principles, which prickles his skin, and moves again. He had left the bustling part of town and was entering an uncharted territory in the back alleys.


Finally, Miro Rosway noticed the Alves’ distinct cold burn imprints in the air’s corners. Unique particles that were impossible to come from other elves were scattered like ashes under the mark.


As he headed toward the city, Miro recalled Shaurillin saying something about “the smell of Alves blood”. He could see where it was headed and began moving quickly in that direction.


Majority of humans are unaware of the intricate construction of the ‘mark’, but the fairies do. 


Things like the differences between the ‘mark’ of Alves’ and Elves, as well as the differences between the ‘mark’ of the High Elf, Low Elf, and Ground Elf. 


When a race with a different ‘mark’ utilizes magic, the result’s shape changes slightly as well.


When the same but different magic was used, trace particles of that particular magic remain in the air near it and Miro Rosway can detect it. 


Perhaps he was born with a constitution naturally sensitive to magic although he can’t use one.


The fate of a fairy is determined early on based on the shape and character of their ‘mark’. Humans may find it absurd, yet it is the way fairies live.


Will they protect the ancient providence by protecting the Elves’ holy territory throughout their lives, or walk outside with a sword and slaughter to keep outsiders out. Or will they admire and revere these exceptional warriors and lead a normal life? 


The shape of the ‘mark’ engraved in their body at birth determines all of this.


Typically, the image of God’s lightning is engraved on the body at birth then gradually blurs as they grow until it disappears when they reach the age of hundreds, leaving just a faint mark like a shallow knife cut.


But Shaurillin’s ‘mark’ is very unusual as it remains shining black at the back of his hands. 


It’s round and colorful spread of blue scars rarely show signs of fading, symbolizing how outstanding a priest he must have been in his prime. 


It has a shape of elegant leaves and lush branches that clearly look like a forest.


Miro has a little bit of confidence in his ability to sense magic, but fundamentally, it’s something that’s extremely ordinary.


Miro is often referred to as half-elf. 


White fairies who are ostracized by external races rarely give birth to children with humans, and the child was usually difficult to accept in the conservative society of the Elves. 


In all of those origins, there is a fact that few children are born with the Elves unique ‘mark’. Sometimes it is said that there are exceptional half-elves born with a ‘mark’, but only a few cases were actually recorded. 


Half-elves and elves can be difficult to tell apart because they look alike in a large standard, but if they don’t have any ‘marks’ on their bodies, they’re definitely half-elves.


Half-elves have a short lifespan and can’t even use magic, called the “Divine Call”. 


The ‘mark’ is considered a sacred scar left by God. 


It doesn’t matter if human blood is mixed in, but it does matter if the body bears the ‘mark’. 


Because God cannot be served if there is no talent in magic, it is claimed that there is no role for half-elves to perform in the elven society. 


Whatever the reason, the half-elf was likely to fall behind in elf society as a result.


Miro Rosway had a similar life. He had never seen his parents’ faces. He was abandoned from the moment he was born, grew up on free food in a social community, and was kicked out of the Elves’ holy land when he reached the age of minimum discrimination.


Miro Rosway was merely a child, who appeared younger by appearance at the age of seven, when he was kicked out due to the nature of the Elves, who develop and mature at a slower rate than humans.


High Elves were a unique species. They have the longest life span of any Elves and are extraordinary in terms of magical abilities. Miro Rosway, who grew up in the elf society, is more aware of this than anybody else. The High elves were truly unique and honorable.


Most elves have marks that are not unique or recognizable in shape. The same could be said for the majority of Alves and Delphines.


The more distinct the shape of the mark, the more powerful the magical ability.


The high elves have the shape of leaves, whereas the low elves have the shape of branches that look like lightning strikes. 


As a result, the High Elves guard the Holy Land deep within the Carpenta Forest, while the Low Elves defend it from outsiders and tribulations with their lightning blades as a birthright.

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