On the day of the birthday party—


Mo Jingxuan adjusted Xiao Ying’s tie with sparkling eyes, “My baby is so handsome!”


Xiao Ying hugged him with a smile, “I’m not the only one who is handsome!”


“Alright, alright!” Xiao Yao pulled the two of them apart by their ties, “You are both handsome, incredibly handsome. It’s a wonder how well you take after me. Now come one, Jingxuan help me with my tie!”


Xiao Ying refused, pulling his man away, “Have the servant help you.”


Xiao Yao looked at Mo Jingxuan with pleading eyes as he stuck his lower lip out in a pout.


Xiao Ying held his forehead in pain…


His mouth twitching as he muffled his laughter, Mo Jingxuan stepped up to fix his tie and reminded, “Dad…well… you’re not as young as you used to be, and some expressions don’t really suit your face anymore….”


“As long as it works on you!” Xiao Yao was confident as he raised his head proudly.


Finishing with the tie, Mo Jingxuan smiled, “Okay, if you’re happy it’s fine I guess.”


Admiring himself in the mirror as he twisted and turned, Xiao Yao was ready to go and led the way as he walked out, “Let’s go!”


Mo Jingxuan and Xiao Ying looked at each other before following him side by side.


The car stopped at the entrance of the Feng’s house, and the three of them climbed out one after the other. Feng Yuan, who was waiting outside the door to greet guests, welcomed them with a smile, “Uncle, Brother Xiao, Jingxuan, you’re here! Please come inside!”


Mo Jingxuan and Xiao Ying nodded politely, “Happy birthday! The butler will be bringing the gift later on.”


Feng Yuan frowned, “You didn’t need to bring anything, it’s already good enough that you came!”


Xiao Yao joined in the conversation, “Feng Yuan, I haven’t seen you in so long and not only have you grown taller, even your mouth has become sweeter!”


Embarrassed, Feng Yuan blushed, “I was telling the truth.”


Walking inside, he led the three of them to the back garden, “Grandpa and the others have been waiting for you outside.”


Unexpectedly, Mo Jingxuan and Xiao Ying were surrounded by guests as soon as they entered the area. They were now veritable favourites of the business world. In the past, the Xiao company alone attracted countless people seeking cooperation; now that it was known they represent both the Xiao company and XM, it would be a wonder if they were ever left alone again.


Mo Jingxuan had no choice but to leave Xiao Ying in the crowd and dragged Xiao Yao to a less busy corner, “Dad, you go and meet Master Feng first; we’ll be back later!” As soon as he finished speaking, he returned to Xiao Ying’s side in the mass of people without listening for an answer.


“Hey…” Xiao Yao shook his head, “These two are really take after how popular I was in the past.”


Feng Yuan stood next to him and looked at the two men chatting and laughing with the guests, “Yes….” He voiced his thoughts hesitantly, “Uncle, Brother Xiao and Jingxuan are so close, they seem inseparable. It was like this last time too….” What he didn’t say was how very envious he felt.


To Xiao Yao’s eyes, however, the love and envy were far too obvious for him to not notice them. His eyebrows knit as he warned, “Xiao Ying can’t do without Jingxuan; outsiders will never be able to understand their feelings.”


Looking up, Feng Yuan was confused, “Can’t do without…? Their relationship, is it really…?”


Xiao Yao’s voice was light, “Yes.”


A sad smile graced Feng Yuan’s face, “So I was too late; I never even had a chance. No wonder…Jingxuan is so outstanding.” Taking a deep breath, Feng Yuan said boldly, “Uncle, you don’t need to be hostile towards me. I will never meddle in other people’s feelings. Now that I know Brother Xiao has a lover, I won’t bother them anymore, and….” He cast his eyes on the pair again, “The two of them are really well matched.”


“That’s right!” Xiao Yao patted Feng Yuan with a smile, “Besides, there are plenty of other men out there. Although they may not all look as good as my two sons, it shouldn’t be hard to find one that is worse than them. If you work hard, I’m sure you can find yourself a good match!”


Feng Yuan looked him up and down and reached out to pinch his chin, “Uncle, you really are very open minded. By the way, you and Xiao Ying happen to look a bit alike…Do you happen to consider men? If I chase you…”


Xiao Yao slapped his hand away with a black face, “Boy, I’m not sure if it’s that your courage has increased since last we met or if you have just lost your wits in heartbreak that you dare to tease your uncle. Watch what I’ll do if I see you molesting your elders again!”


“Hehe,” Feng Yuan laughed sheepishly at his words.


Clapping his hands together, Xiao Yao considered the subject over. “Let’s go find your grandfather.” He looked at his junior seriously, “The matters between Xiao Ying and Jingxuan, please keep it to yourself. Until they decide to go public themselves, I would like to respect their wishes.”


Feng Yuan nodded, “Don’t worry uncle, I won’t talk nonsense.” He had happily killed his budding emotions in their infancy, and it truly hadn’t had much of an effect on him. At most, he would look on at their relationship with envy; he wouldn’t do anything to involve himself in their drama.


The two at the other side of the party were not having such a pleasant time.


Mo Jingxuan searched through the crowd of onlookers and found Mo Zhenhao and his wife not far away. Turning his gaze around, he found Mo Heng in front of Xiao Ying, presenting a glass of wine to him as they chatted.


Coming up in between them, he began to send away this nuisance, “You have no business with us, go away.”


Mo Heng gracefully stirred the wine he was holding as he spoke, “I’m talking to Xiao Ying. Do you really care for me that much that you’d be willing to speak up in others conversations big brother, or do you have a different relationship with brother Xiao?”


“Go away.” Xiao Ying was calm, “Xuan and I don’t want to see you. You or your family.” His eyes fixed on Mo Zhenhao and Yu Hong’s faces in the distance.


Yu Hong met his eyes and walked up to Xiao Ying with Mo Zhenhao on her arm, “Telling my son to go away, do you two really have a special relationship?” She must force her words today. As long as she could get these two to admit that they were gay, the rumour would spread quickly throughout society. Everyone would see their true colours and just how disgusting they really were.


“Hm?” Mo Jingxuan was amused, “What kind of special relationship do you want us to have?”


“What do you mean by that, Auntie is just a little curious about how close you are.”


“Heh–” Xiao Ying was long ready to answer her, “We are lovers. Is that what you wanted to hear?”


“Hssss!” The gasps resounding from his confession echoed loudly.


Yu Hong couldn’t accept it; Xiao Ying admitted such a large secret so readily. Where were the hundreds of rounds of verbal battle she was promised? The drama? The shock? Her script was destroyed from the very first line!


Mo Jingxuan laughed, “You heard him right. We are lovers, and we have been together for many years on top of that. We have been working together long before XM was established. The love between us does not affect the development of our careers, if anything, that love is the source of our motivation. If anyone here decides to reject XM or the Xiao group because of our private life, then I will have nothing to say. However, I do believe that basing your choice on mistaken prejudices and that is a flaw that I personally would not be willing to show.” He was confident as he looked around at everyone, “Neither us or the groups we represent will stagnant because of any of your choices, so please think carefully for your own future before you decide on your actions.”


Such a confident and proud man caught the attention of everyone. Watching him, Xiao Ying felt the urge to hold him in his arms and kiss him deeply…and so he did.


“Hssss!” There was another gasp from the audience; these two were really bold and unrestrained.


Relishing the aftertaste of his kiss, Xiao Ying addressed Mo Zhenhao, “In the future, the Xiao group and XM can only be enemies with the Mo group. I hope you are prepared.”


Mo Zhenhao frowned, “Boss Xiao is very confident.”


Sneering, Xiao Ying didn’t bother with him anymore but looked at the crowd to say, “XM is planning on developing a new online game soon and there are still a few more pieces of land under the company’s name. It is expected to build a large amusement park and street mall first. If anyone present is interested in cooperating, you can go to XM to chat with our secretary Zi Bo.”


He left with his arm slung around Mo Jingxuan’s shoulder, leaving the guests to digest his words themselves.


Yu Hong looked around and covered her mouth as she said, “These two really are not ashamed; Mo Jingxuan really treated his father like that in front of so many people. Although they may not be father and son anymore, at least Mo Zhenhao still cares about his face. Even I still am filial to my parents at my age, let alone as a child….” She didn’t finish her sentence, deliberately trailing off for others to imagine it themselves.


A fat woman dressed in a smart suit curled her lips in disdain at the attempted slander, “Tch, after the father treated him like that, he still expects filial piety?” She pulled her husband away, and they retreated to a more isolated area where she whispered in his ear, “Make sure to go to XM early tomorrow and find Secretary Zi. I’m sure no one will miss this opportunity, so don’t let them take the lead!”


The man nodded, “I’ll be the first one there in the morning.” As for the matter of their homosexuality…Never mind it. His company’s future was far more important than their sexuality.


After Mo Jingxuan and Xiao Ying left, everyone dispersed to talk amongst themselves, leaving Yu Hong to perform a one-man’s show herself.


“Husband…” Yu Hong looked at Mo Zhenhao worriedly.


Mo Heng mirrored her emotions, “It doesn’t seem like they intend on rejecting them.”


Gritting his teeth, Mo Zhenhao was furious, “Those bastards, they didn’t interfere with our business before, what gives them the courage to do so now?”


Anxious, Yu Hong asked, “Then will the Xiao family’s kid really deal with us?”


“They can do it.” Mo Heng affirmed.


Snorting, Mo Zhenhao turned and left, “Let’s see if he has the ability to mess with us first.”


“Let’s go.” Mo Heng dragged Yu Hong to the centre of the banquet.


The fact that the eldest son of the Xiao family and the adopted son were gay quickly became an open secret in the circle. Everyone knew, but they all tacitly pretended not to.


Xiao Ying and Mo Jingxuan did exactly as they said they would, and their companies continued to develop, bringing those who cooperated with them to taste the sweetness as well.


The Mo family began to feel the despair of being targeted by the pair. Xiao Ying and Mo Jingxuan didn’t even hesitate to sacrifice their own interests to snatch the Mo’s businesses and resources. Unrelated companies also began to join the fray, taking advantage of the wind to crowd out the Mo family from the capital.


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