Chapter 101 The Empress Destroyed Your Country (27)
Revised and edited on: Otaku Translation

When Bai Tang was pulled into the dream world by Nie Suzhi, she spoke very cautiously and wouldn't let anything slip.

Luck was on her side, and Bai Tang discovered several promising talents among them. She guided them towards different directions for development. Wen Yueqing and Song Zhi were both hardworking. While Song Zhi focused on martial arts training and reading military books, Bai Tang planned to train her as a talented military leader. Wen Yueqing was to manage the administrative side of things, and Bai Tang also intended to have them search for smart, kind-hearted girls with principles to train.

The howling wind carried the white sun, and the light galloped westward.

Over the course of two years, the whole of Minnan had unconsciously fallen under the complete control of Bai Tang. News sent back to the capital was naturally written by people she found and specially shown to Nie Suzhi. When the time was right, Bai Tang handed over the reins to Wen Yueqing for management and Song Zhi for assistance.

Only a few people who knew the most knew where Bai Tang had gone, while others thought that their leader had gone to inspect a place for planting crops.

In the mountain stronghold and throughout Minnan, Bai Tang's name had gradually become extremely important in the hearts of the people. The government couldn't change their lives, but Bai Tang could. Naturally, they were willing to listen to her.

But where did Bai Tang go?

Bai Tang disguised herself as a scholar, reclining lazily on horseback with a piece of cloth covering her face. Everywhere she looked, there was nothing but yellow sand and a few scattered patches of not very prosperous grass. When the wind blew, the yellow sand would blow right in the face. Despite the horse's speed not being very fast, Bai Tang's body was incredibly stable and not the slightest bit shaky.

This was the territory of the Turks, and Bai Tang had come here for them. The Turks were currently engaged in a power struggle and didn't have the energy to fight against Great Qin.

Bai Tang had a very bold idea— within five years, she would not spare a single soldier and conquer all the ethnic groups, not just the Turks, but also the Qiang, the Rongdi, and the Western Zhou. She would use both internal and external forces to plot and rule the whole world.

If one loves the people of a city, one can be a good city lord. If one loves the people of a country, one can be a wise monarch. But if one loves the people of the whole world, then one can be the wisest monarch of all.

As recorded in history books, this place had always been a major headache for the Central Plains dynasty. Bai Tang was determined to be the first person to take charge of the situation, not only as a woman but also to rule over the whole world. She wanted to subdue and manage all ethnic groups, and ideally, continuously expand the territory until they could become the largest country in the world.

The ministers clearly felt that their capricious Emperor was becoming more and more gloomy and ruthless, issuing harsh decrees at every turn.

Despite the sporadic uprisings, the Emperor directly suppressed them with violence without even thinking about the reasons behind them. The only difference was that, in the two years since he had declared Bai Tang as his only recognized Empress, he had never given up on hunting her down after she escaped from the palace. He had not gone on a rampage, like before, to torture and kill other empresses, and many people speculated that the reason was that the Emperor was still not satisfied— he had failed to torture Empress Bai Tang, and now she had escaped and no one had heard from her for two years.

Bai Tang's plan with the Turks progressed relatively smoothly, with occasional accidents, but her intelligence and wit allowed her to handle them perfectly.

But… Why did this dog Emperor, Nie Suzhi, suddenly change his tune?

This time, when Bai Tang was pulled into the dream by Nie Suzhi, she found herself playing the role of a little baby.

Oh… What is he up to now?

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