In the heart of the labyrinthine gardens stood a striking figure with a mane of sun-kissed hair that shone like gold. His features were chiseled and his smile was like a spell that could ensnare the most stoic of souls. With a simple gesture, he extended his hand towards Lobelia, beckoning her to come closer.

“Long time no see,” he said with a voice as smooth as silk.

“How…no, why…?” Lobelia stammered, her eyes wide with surprise.

“You’re surprised? I thought you would have expected it to some extent. You came to meet the empress,” he said, inching closer to her. Lobelia wanted to take a step back, but she held her ground.

“The only men who can perform close to the empress are my father and me,” he continued.

Crown Prince Cedric Fontaine, the protagonist of this story, the one who would soon become Aina’s lover. Lobelia had met him a few times in the company of Aina, and she remembered how he used to act around her, always with a certain tenderness and affection that she found unsettling.

At the time, Cedric was oblivious to his own feelings, but as the protagonist, he harbored a deep love for Aina in his heart, which he could not help but show every time he was near her. Lobelia, on the other hand, felt uncomfortable with his gestures of kindness towards her.

She knew that his gifts, his words, and his attention were all aimed at winning Aina’s favor, and she did not want to be a pawn in his game. Even when Aina insisted on bringing her along to parties where the prince was present, she would try to avoid him at all costs.

Lobelia was taken aback by the sudden meeting, but she quickly composed herself. The Empress had requested her presence at a secret meeting, one that could expose her past gambling addiction. She knew that no one other than her family could be trusted in such delicate matters.

Cedric’s loyalty to the Empress was so strong that it would become a topic of gossip throughout the empire. This meant that no matter what dubious deal the Empress made, he would keep it a secret.

“Come this way. Mother is waiting for you,” Cedric said, leading the way without a second thought. However, since Lobelia was not of the same social status as Cedric, there was no formal escort or special consideration given to her.

As Lobelia walked behind Cedric, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of unfamiliarity. Though she had only been escorted by Joheim and Jade a few times, she had grown used to the extra attention, and now felt somewhat awkward without it.

People change so quickly, she thought, both astonished and amazed. After witnessing firsthand how much environment affected people, she was even afraid.

As Lobelia struggled to come to terms with her own transformation, Cedric made his way to the center of the hedge maze. In the heart of the labyrinth, a pergola draped in verdant vines stood. And within it, the Empress herself stood waiting.

“Mother, I have brought her,” Cedric stepped back to allow Lobelia to approach.

The Empress turned to look at Lobelia, her gaze sharp as a sword. She was a breathtaking woman, her beauty untouched by the years, with eyes that seemed to pierce straight through to Lobelia’s soul. Though a veil of colorful fabric concealed her face, the intensity of her stare was not diminished.

Lobelia met her gaze, but it was not for long. Overwhelmed by the Empress’s presence, she quickly lowered her eyes.

“So, you’re the one who requested an audience with me,” the Empress spoke, her hand resting on Cedric’s arm. “And where is this jewel you spoke of?”

The Queen did not give Lobelia a chance to speak. She did not ask how Lobelia had come by the blue diamond, nor did she inquire as to its significance. To the Empress, Lobelia was merely the bearer of news, nothing more or less.

Rumors had reached the Empress that Lobelia might be a spy for the Evelentia family, but in that moment, she was just another commoner. A woman who had sought refuge with the Ferrados after living under the Evelentias’ rule. Her current position was unremarkable, but Lobelia couldn’t help but imagine the day when she would face the Queen again, once she had regained everything she had lost. By then, so much would have changed.

“Answer me,” the Queen demanded.

Lobelia hesitated for a moment before answering.

“The gemstone belongs to the Regretina family. I’ve heard it was obtained through an illegal auction in the Consiera region.”

“Regretina…” the Empress muttered with dissatisfaction. She couldn’t intervene personally, now that the Regretinas were in possession of the jewel. If she were to have any contact with the family, rumors would inevitably spread.

Lobelia had a solution. “I can purchase the jewel and offer it to Your Majesty,” she said, delivering the words she had carefully rehearsed.

“I have no influence in high society, only notoriety,” she continued. “If I were to contact the Regretinas, no one would find it suspicious.”

To the outside world, Lobelia was merely a mischievous girl, playing games with Elyan. No one would suspect anything about the jewel.

The Empress seemed intrigued by Lobelia’s notoriety, having heard about the incident at Countess Dora’s salon party.

She stared at Lobelia, testing her. Lobelia met her gaze with quiet confidence, and the Empress finally asked, “What do you want?”

“Money? No, that’s not what you want,” the Empress mused. “If that were the case, you would have purchased diamonds and sold them to me at a higher price.”

Lobelia remained silent, offering no response.

“If it’s not money, then what? Do you want me to accompany you to a social event? Or perhaps introduce you to other noble men, as good as the son of the Regretina family and the Duke of Ferrado?”

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