Parallel - A Virtual Reality.

Chapter 88 - 47. The Fallen. (Part 4)

As soon as we walk into Hellish Town, people start coming to us. Mostly because I am the Lord, and because our guild Kaiser uses this town as Headquarter mostly for our novice.

But instead of the warm expression on their faces, grim looks welcome us as they nod at us. We nod back as I feel my muscles tensing. We had already informed that we would give a determining communication today that would go towards all of Parallel.

Soon, people start walking behind us, growing as we get close to the center of the town where the administrative building is. Eren also joined the crowd as he walks behind us with firm steps.

Be it NPCs or Players, all of them walk with unity. Then, I see Eroda at the center of the town, a stage built with his power as he nods at us.

Kagito, Eliana, Zenith, Peko, and I step into the stage and walk the stairs. We already notified the TV station we would give an important announcement, so thy must be showing this right now.

Kagito nods at me as I step into the podium with everyone a step behind me.

"I, Ardha, Lord of Hellish Town, want to say I am sorry to my people for not being there the moment you guys needed me. But I promise you, not only I, but all of us, are going to do our very best to rebuild this town and help those that were affected by this act."

I look at all the people surrounding us. Some had melancholic expression and others sharp ones as if they were waiting for out following words.

"And I promise to those that have done this to us. That you are going to pay for this!"

I feel fire building inside of me as the Elements become chaotic. People start lifting their arms to the sky as they shout.

I look at Kagito and he steps forward while I step back.

"I, Kagito, leader of Kaiser, wish to say some simple words to everyone. We will support Hellish Town until the end, to make this town regain its glory and the people their peace. But we also want to declare those that have harmed us, that we are going to retaliate strongly. Thus, we want to announce to our guild, Kaiser, that from now on, the guild Pathfinders and its members, are to be killed on sight!"

Frost comes outs of Kagito's words as he looks towards our members from Kaiser. Some looked a bit bewildered and others very sharp. But there was one specially that resalted because of his height. A two-meter tall, thin, black person, with eyes like Onyx, lifts a forging hammer to the sky.

"Kill on Sight!"

He shouts with fury in his voice as his eyes are bloodshot.

"Kill on Sight!"

"Kill on Sight!"

"Kill on Sight!"

The tall man comes to us with his forging hammer.


I say the name of that man, our best Blacksmith, Helium. He nods at me.

"I have come to report that I have the materials that Thane and Tact Hand left."

His voice shivers a bit at the end as his hand holding the hammer trembles. Kagito steps forward and pats his right shoulder as I do the same.

"Keep them, you will know when to use them to their best"

Says Kagito and Helium nods firmly.

"I promise to make the best weapons and armors for Kaiser. So, when we dismantle Pathfinder, they will feel the fury of my colleagues and masters."

All of us nod at Helium and he walks away to his workshop.

"It's good that all of you have come back. I hope to see the others soon"

"Yes, Kagito is going to pick them up later"

Eroda nods again at those words and then turns to Zenith and Peko.

"It has been hard for you two too, it seems. You have finally woken up, Zenith. Drakon would be proud of you right now"

Zenith straighten his back with pride.

"Yes, I can finally use the skill of my Master"

Eroda smiles at that as he then pats Peko's shoulder.

"You too, Peko. It seems your power has grown; Vermillion would really have liked to wreak havoc with you right now"

"I am not into the sadistic passions of my Master."

Eroda laughs at that comment and then turns to face me again. He pats my shoulders as he looks at me warmly.

"Plate couldn't have been prouder to leave a successor such as you, Ardha. It seems you are finally becoming one with the Elements."

Pride enters my ċhėst as I look firmly at Eroda and nod.

He then turns around to a certain direction. The memorial of Hellish Town, done to honor the fallen warriors.

"Follow me, Tact Hand and Thane would love to see you guys too"

Those heave words sink into us as we walk behind Eroda.

We reach the memorial soon as we stare at it with surprise. Two beautiful sculptures laid at the center with glorious shine.

One of a demonic being with demi-human body and pitch-black scales all around him, standing stalwart in front of the Heavens as his eyes stare with unyielding fighting intent. Looking at it transports you into the battlefield, looking at that demon facing his enemies in order to protect.

Besides that, demon, laid a majestic Ice Dragon, its eyes looking with warm at the world as it embraces you with its power. Instead of feeling cold, I feel like part of that Dragon's family as the ice wouldn't harm us, instead it would protect us.

I close my eyes.

"I am back"

I utters those words subconsciously as I step back with pride while looking at those two sculptures.

Notification windows appear in front of us as we receive temporary buffs because of the Aura radiating from them.

"Who made them?"

Asks Kagito overwhelmed with emotion.

"A nameless sculptor, or that's what she said. She left just before you guys arrived, but I think you are going to end up meeting her in the future anyways"

Eroda says with a smile as I look at the sculptures again.

"Yes, I would like to thank her one day for what she has done"

We are going to show the world what we are made of when we are angry.

Because we are Kaiser.



"You are finally picking up"

"I have been very busy; you guys have made quite a mess"

"But everything went according to the plan"

"That's true, but I saw you getting into quite a troublesome bit"

The other side pauses a bit, as a furious growl could be heard.

"No matter, one day I will squash those bugs"

"Haha, I wonder I wonder. Have you had news of Grudell?"

"Not yet, I suppose you haven't too. But he should be alive"

"That's true. Now, what do you wish to tell me?"

"We are going to need you to appear soon, the forces of Dakarius will have to unite for the following steps"

The man leans on his seat comfortably as he looks at the communication crystal. His eyes shining with a dark green glow full of greed.

"My preparations aren't complete yet, but don't worry, I will put out my cards when the time comes"

"Good, that seal has become very bothersome. That's all, I hope we can meet up soon."

The man looks at the silver light shining on his room as he stares at the night sky as the communication orb stops glowing.

His mouth soon turns into a grin as he turns back. A glow of dark green shines in the room as he walks towards the door.

'Soon, once I transcend, I'll be able to lord over this place'

Exhilaration shows in his face as he stops his pal on the door.

'Emperor does have a nice ring to it'

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