Parallel - A Virtual Reality.

Chapter 16 - Prologue

I was stuck in a veil of darkness, my consciousness was drifting apart, I couldn't keep my reason as only my primal instinct prevailed, and just some thought came to my mind from my deep unconscious self. At this, I heard a voice that just asked

What is your wish?


Why do you wish for Power?

'To destroy'

And what do you want to destroy?

'I want to destroy…

Then it hit me, what do I want to destroy?

'I don't know'

Then, what is your wish?

And at the question, images came to my mind. And my words flowed through

"My wish is…

And I woke up, outside of the place where my friends and I fought against our challenges, accepted and prevailed against them.

The place that was called the Dungeon of Wishes we surpassed ourselves.

I couldn't lose with these people alongside me. And I won't let them lose either.

"You awake?"

"Yes, I am" I answered to the question that had a lot of meaning to me

'It is good to have woken up.'

And we began our way to the place we started

Where we will fulfill "their" wish that has become ours.

After all, we are their successors.

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