
Chapter 49 - Binge eating

He smiles back and joins the group as he head back to the top of Bloody Fang Mountain.

Arriving at the top, I spot Lord Tohil, Quez, and Yash along with several other members of the Thousand Feathers clan. Crawling over to Lord Tohil, I greet him and ask how much he would charge to escort the group of kobolds behind me. He looks them over, gives me a price of 10 general beast corpses.

It seems like a reasonable price, so I give him half of his asking price now, half when they arrive. Luckily for me, Solam had acc.u.mulated a lot of different things, to be honest, I haven't had a chance to look it all over.

Things seem to go a lot faster now, the Thousand Feathers clan takes over, doc.u.menting all the property received. It would be divided with half going to the Stormfury clan, and the other half split in favor of the Crimson Flame Tribe between the Thousand Feathers clan and the Crimson Flame tribe.

Lord Tohil had been the one to suggest the split to my surprise. It turns out he wanted to move the Thousand Feathers clan base to take over the former Bloodyfang clans territory.

Happy with the conclusion, I woke Dahlia up, told her that I would see her soon when she arrived at the Crimson flame and climbed onto Rentil's back before we took off for the Stormfury clan.

Arriving, we all went back to our rooms to go over the gains we had gotten from this venture. Entering my room, I finally start to seriously look through what I had taken from Salom's spacial stone.

Sorting it, I nearly start giggling in happiness. Clearly, Solam had hit the Blood shackles for his lineage. Most of his treasures we're used in purifying one's bloodline, strengthening it, or adding different effects to it.

One of them increases the likelihood of hidden powers that are locked away within the bloodline to appear. It was a dark blue liquid called "Hidden Talent Broth". Excited, I quickly down the broth before settling down, and waiting for something to happen.





After waiting for nearly an hour, nothing seems to happen. Disappointed, I move onto the next treasure that interested me. A large bright yellow fruit called " Bloodline Maturity Peach". I quickly eat it, savoring the sweet taste.

Once again I settle down to see what happens.




"Okay, what the f.u.c.k!" I yell annoyed. Why are they not doing anything?

Angry, and hungry I start eating a lord class beast corpse that was in Salam's spacial stone. As I start to eat the corpse, large amounts of energy start shooting through my body, my limbs start shaking. It starts to get harder, and harder to breathe.

I drop to the ground, and start convulsing as. all of the dragon blood in my body starts to get used up. Then my body starts to cannibalize its as I start to wither. I inch be next to the corpse, and start to inhale the body,

After finishing that one off, the energy is still being absorbed inside me, so I then pull out two more corpses and consume both of them. Still no change, my body still is consuming every available resource, including itself.




Three hours, and several Lord class bodies later, my body finally calmed down. Visually the only thing different is my limbs are longer and much more muscular. But my senses increased by tenfold at the very least.

Excited to go test out what hidden power I awakened. I start to crawl towards the tunnel.




Confused, I looked around, startled I realized I was in the wall. Pulling myself out, I look around to make sure no one saw that before trying to figure out what happened.

Looking down at my claws, I notice that minute amounts of wind and lightning elements are gathered around my claws.

"No way," I think, as an idea comes to mind.

Testing it, I take a step, keeping the end of the tunnel in mind while trying to activate the elements in my claw. My claws heat up, my vision blurs, sounds disappears as I move at incredible speed.

*Rentil POV*

"Those Bloodyfang elders I killed had some interesting techniques, I can't wait to go back to my room, and look them over again," I think as I come back from the training arena.

Suddenly I see an arch of lightning shooting out from the tunnel that leads to our rooms. Jumping off to the side, I prepare for the next attack.

To my complete disbelief, the lightning slows down, and Valoris appears.

He looks around with that stupid grin of his, sees me and says.

"Hey Rentil, look what I figured out how to do"

I stare at him for several minutes as my stress builds before screaming.


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