Preparations ② & Bulleting Board: 【Breaking News】 Monsters were found all over the world.



 The sound of rattles and wheels rolling on the concrete ground echoed through the city in the middle of the night.

 In between, you could hear the sound of sirens blaring throughout the city.

 The time was 2:00 a.m.

 It was a time when everyone was supposed to be quiet and asleep.

 But on that day, the city, which was supposed to be quiet, was in a bit of a commotion.

“……Is it about time?”

 Murmuring, Akira pulled out his phone.

 After browsing through social media and bulletin board sites in turn, Akira let out a small sigh as he looked over the topics that contained certain words.

(The sightings are increasing all at once.)

 That topic, which was a dime a dozen an hour ago, was now a trending subject on social media.

 The same was true on a major bulletin board site, where a number of threads were started in a bit of a frenzy, quickly filling up their contents and then starting new threads.

(I bet these sirens are related to monsters, too……)

 The sirens of police cars and ambulances began to be heard a short while ago.

 The intermittent sound soon became an unending ringing noise that echoed throughout the city.

 Right now, the main topic of conversation on the Internet centered on the sightings of monsters that have begun to appear simultaneously all over Japan ―and perhaps the world― but it might only be a matter of time before the conversation eventually switched to monster attacks on people.


 Letting out a breath, Akira put his phone in his pocket and started walking with a dolly he bought at Donki, carrying a mountain of food and PET bottles of drinking water.

 Rattle, rattle, rattle. The sound of wheels rolling on the concrete ground echoed through the night streets mixed with the sound of sirens.

 The sound continued for some time until the world was terrified by the appearance of the monsters, and those who felt threatened quickly began buying up supplies like Akira.


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【Breaking News】 Monsters were found all over the world.

 1: The wind blows, anonymous

 It’s crazy, what’s this all about?

 2: The wind blows, anonymous


 3: The wind blows, anonymous


 You can find them on social media. It’s even trending.

 4: The wind blows, anonymous

 I heard something about them being found in the U.S. and the U.K., too. What is happening?

 5: The wind blows, anonymous

 Are you sure they are monsters? Not some kind of misunderstanding or something?

 6: The wind blows, anonymous


 Looks real.




 7: The wind blows, anonymous


 Looks photoshopped, but what’s that about?

 8: The wind blows, anonymous

 If it is shopped, then the quality is quite high.

 I’ve been looking on Twitter too, and there are all kinds of pictures floating around, so it sounds pretty real.

 9: The wind blows, anonymous

 Isekai, here I come!!

 AFK while I level up for a bit.

 10: The wind blows, anonymous

 Is it on the news?

 11: The wind blows, anonymous


 Not yet. But it’s only a matter of time.

 12: The wind blows, anonymous

 Let’s say this is real, then now what?

 13: The wind blows, anonymous

 Isn’t it some kind of new animal or something?

 I mean, there’s no such thing as a monster or anything like that in real life.

 I don’t believe that.

 14: The wind blows, anonymous

 Well, the impossible is happening in real life right now.

 15: The wind blows, anonymous


 You’re like the first guy to die in a horror movie.

 16: The wind blows, anonymous

 If I find a monster, can I kill it?

 17: The wind blows, anonymous

 It should be fine, right? But I don’t know if you CAN kill it.

 18: The wind blows, anonymous

 For now, I’ll just grab my camping knife and go look for monsters.

 19: The wind blows, anonymous


 I bet there are guys like you all over the country right now.

 20: The wind blows, anonymous

 There will be more people roaming the streets with knives and bats in their hands……

 The policemen will be getting more work.

 21: The wind blows, anonymous

 Is that a police siren that’s been blaring for a while now?

 Seriously, it’s too loud.

 22: The wind blows, anonymous

 I’ve been hearing sirens from police cars and ambulances all night long in my area, too.

 23: The wind blows, anonymous

 Breaking News finally.

 24: The wind blows, anonymous

 What do they say?

 25: The wind blows, anonymous

 Simultaneous appearance of unidentified creatures in various parts of the world.

 26: The wind blows, anonymous

 Simultaneously around the world…… This is really bad, isn’t it?

 27: The wind blows, anonymous

 C-c-c-ca-cal-calm down, everyone!

 28: The wind blows, anonymous

 It seems they suspect terrorism. The government is about to hold an emergency press conference.

 29: The wind blows, anonymous

 How can it be terrorism? To release the monsters you’ve been raising without anyone knowing about it to the world at the same time, is it even possible?

 30: The wind blows, anonymous

 It seems more like a global disaster than a terrorist attack.

 31: The wind blows, anonymous

 In the meantime, let’s stock up on food. We don’t know what’s going to happen.

 32: The wind blows, anonymous

 I’ll do the same thing.

 33: The wind blows, anonymous

 So, I went to my local convenience store and everything was sold out.

 I talked to the clerk, and he said that an office worker with a dolly had bought up everything.

 34: The wind blows, anonymous

 Are you for real? So, the panic buying has already begun. I’ll try to get some too.




 225: The wind blows, anonymous

 I’m home!

 The convenience store near my house was wiped clean.

 226: The wind blows, anonymous

 It didn’t work for me either.

 227: The wind blows, anonymous

 You too, huh? Same here.

 228: The wind blows, anonymous

 Do all the convenience stores seem to have been wiped clean?

 229: The wind blows, anonymous

 Now all that’s left is the supermarket, which opens tomorrow morning.

 Even stuff on Amazon seems to be sold out already.

 230: The wind blows, anonymous

 In fact, who is this salaryman who is buying up all the stuff that comes up in the conversation every now and then?

 A reseller?

 231: The wind blows, anonymous

 I suppose. But I don’t know.

 232: The wind blows, anonymous

 Well, nine out of ten, it’s a reseller. He should just drop dead.

 233: The wind blows, anonymous

 Did you guys lose to the resellers too?

 234: The wind blows, anonymous

 It’s not that we lost, it’s that those guys are acting too fast.

 They must be online all the time.

 235: The wind blows, anonymous

 Hey, is this today’s ‘you don’t say’ thread?

 236: The wind blows, anonymous

 Come to think of it, I saw a goblin on my way home from the convenience store.


 237: The wind blows, anonymous

 Why didn’t you fight?

 238: The wind blows, anonymous

 You serious? Where?

 239: The wind blows, anonymous


 A nearby parking lot. I heard a noise I had never heard before, so I looked and saw these guys in the shadow of a car.

 240: The wind blows, anonymous

 So, what are these guys doing?

 241: The wind blows, anonymous

 Sorry for changing the topic. Listen to me for a second.

 There was a little commotion at a nearby house, so I went out to look……

 People were being eaten there.

 242: The wind blows, anonymous

 What? For real?

 243: The wind blows, anonymous


 244: The wind blows, anonymous


 Just to confirm, was it a monster?

 245: The wind blows, anonymous


 I don’t know the details.

 But it seemed certain that their bellies had been ripped open and the contents were eaten.

 Right now, that house is covered in yellow tape and lots of police are there.

 246: The wind blows, anonymous

 Oh, they eat people? 

 247: The wind blows, anonymous

 If that’s true, then we’re in deep shit.

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