Ch131 - Willing to help others

(Seeing ghosts!)

Fang Qi’s reported community address was extremely close. The gang rushed to witness the drama, uhm, sorry, rushed to save a life. They arrived at the community’s entrance in five minutes, and it took another two minutes to find the building where Fang Qi resided, not knowing if they would make it in time to watch the TV show premiere. 

It was an old neighborhood with outdated amenities and an indescribable smell in the air.

Standing at the corridor’s entrance, Wu Jia sensed that the inside was gloomy, and even the breeze was freezing. “Are you really going in?” he questioned, swallowing.

Shen Dongqing: “Of course!”

Wu Jia: “But…” 

This was a well-known haunted property. He was timid and didn’t dare to look at this neighborhood on his way home after working overtime at night. He had no inclination to enter even in broad daylight.

“One thousand a day,” Zhou Wenyan reminded him.

Wu Jia refueled his courage with money: “OK, then go in!”

He took the lead in the front and walked in with vim and boldness, but he became a scaredy cat halfway through. It wasn’t him; it was the super strange vibe in this place!

It was late now, so people should be getting home from work and housewives should be preparing supper, but the building was unusually silent, so quiet that there was no sound of footsteps or pots and pans clanging. Even if they got off work late and planned to eat out that night, the elderly would always come out for a walk or drop in. It was impossible for there to be no one.

At the time, the corridor was completely empty, as if no one resided in this building.

Wu Jia shuddered with fear as soon as this thought entered his head.

There’s no such thing as ghosts, right? 

Shen Dongqing’s voice rang: “Why haven’t we met a ghost yet?”

When Wu Jia heard the word “ghost,” he felt a chill run down his back and whispered, “During the day, don’t talk about people; at night, don’t talk about…ghosts.” For fear of attracting something, he said the final word in a tiny voice.

Shen Dongqing glanced outside. It was not completely dark yet, so he nodded, “Got it.”

Wu Jia: “That’s good…” Who knows what’s a god and a ghost. 

He was about to finish when he heard Shen Dongqing call out loudly: “Ghost ghost ghost ghost—”

Wu Jia was instantly devastated by the appearance of this echoing stereo sound effect.

Wait…is something wrong?

However, after Shen Dongqing howled like this, Wu Jia was no longer terrified and even wanted to joke a little. 

Shen Dongqing yelled, then came to a halt and waited.

The passage was silent again once the lingering sound faded, and no creatures or ghosts appeared as a result of the shouts.

“There is nothing,” Shen Dongqing expressed his disappointment.

“Tell us about the story of this building,” Zhou Wenyan said. 

Wu Jia’s mentality was considerably more relaxed after this event, and he shared the gossip he’d heard from the old men and old women.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

This building’s fengshui was not good. During construction, a construction worker fell to his death, but the developer kept the incident quiet. After the complex was sold out, folks moved in one by one, only to discover that something was amiss – this building was especially unlucky.

Tbecu mbeqifr ktb rfaaifv atfgf mbeivc’a tjnf mtlivgfc, tfjiats fivfgis qfbqif ofii jcv vlfv rbbc joafg wbnlcu lc, jcv j ibnlcu mbeqif obeuta, jcv atf teryjcv ibra mbcagbi jcv tjmxfv tlr klof ab vfjat… Mbiibklcu j rfglfr bo remt agjufvlfr, atf bmmeqjcar bo atf yelivlcu yfmjwf ofkfg jcv ofkfg, jcv jr atf ubrrlq rqgfjv, cb bcf kjr kliilcu ab ajxf bnfg.

“It doesn’t make sense,” Shen Dongqing stated as he shook his head after hearing the account. “These incidents are not without explanation. You can’t blame ghosts for everything!” He plausibly said, “You should believe in science!” 

Wu Jia: “Huh?”

Who was it that was clamoring to see a ghost just now? What a dramatic shift in attitude to say “believe in science!”

Shen Dongqing had just finished changing his attitude when they heard a scream from upstairs. He, too, did not believe in science, so he excitedly ran up the stairs, crying, “Hurry up, hurry up, you won’t see ghosts if you’re slow!”

Poor Wu Jia! An otaku like him was forced to crazily climb the stairs, reaching the fifth floor in one go. He looked up before he could catch his breath, and he almost choked on the breath that had become stuck in his throat. 

“Hack, hack, hack… This, this…”

A sturdy Brother Axe stood in front of them. His body was swollen, and the white overalls couldn’t conceal his muscles. His forearms were probably as thick as Shen Dongqing’s thighs.

Brother Axe was hacking the door when they arrived. The door was smashed to pieces and about to be split open when Brother Axe heard movement behind him, stopped hacking, and turned his head slowly.

Wu Jia nearly screamed. 

The appearance of this Brother Axe was too harmful. His facial features had altered, as if he had been stirred and then splattered with a pot of dog blood. He was so hideous that it was difficult to describe him, and he almost made Wu Jia throw up the hotpot he’d just eaten.

Wu Jia: “OMG! Let’s call the police.”

As he spoke, he was about to take out his phone.

Brother Axe was staring at them with dull eyes and no movement, but the instant he noticed Wu Jia’s cell phone, he went insane, lifting the axe and rushing over while making a “huh huh” sound in his mouth. 

Wu Jia froze in place.

When Brother Axe got closer, Wu Jia realized that Brother Axe’s face was smeared with blood rather than ketchup, and the axe was covered with minced meat and blood. God knows what he chopped, but they definitely couldn’t rule out the possibility of “people” in a hurry.

Wu Jia’s heart hung in his throat as he saw the axe charging at him with a foul wind. When faced with such a scary situation, the normal individual can’t reflect or evade at all, and can only freeze on the spot.

The axe had sliced through the air in the blink of an eye, and it was ready to hit Wu Jia’s body in the next second. 

However, at this point, Brother Axe was hurled, flying out and smashing right into the wall, causing the entire building to shake three times and fine powder to fall from the ceiling.

Wu Jia gulped, then noticed Shen Dongqing casually withdraw his hand.

“Is that it?” Shen Dongqing cocked his head.

Perhaps it was his contempt in his eyes that enraged Brother Axe. He stood up and rushed over once more. 

Brother Axe did not fly backwards this time, but Shen Dongqing softly hopped to the side.

Brother Axe couldn’t turn with much momentum or slam on the brakes because of his massive bulk. He simply ran all the way to the end and arrived at the staircase.

Thud, thud, thud—

Brother Axe’s figure vanished in front of everyone’s eyes in an instant. 

Wu Jia’s gums hurt when he saw this scene.

Shen Dongqing peered down the stairs, but there was no Brother Axe, only an axe on the ground. “It’s too stupid, I won’t admit it’s a ghost.”

Wu Jia: …

Being a ghost also has prerequisites? 

Shen Dongqing shook his head, sighing, “Getting worse with each generation indeed.”

“Exactly, it’s not as excellent as me,” the brat agreed.

Shen Dongqing quickly added, “But still better than you.”

Brat: … 

He was considering a comeback, but Shen Dongqing had already ignored him and pushed open the broken door. He first noticed the woman who had been hacked to death on the sofa, and then his eyes found Fang Qi, who was huddled in the corner.

Fang Qi beheld Shen Dongqing as if he saw his own father, and he was prepared to pounce on him with his soft legs.

He was ready to fling himself into Shen Dongqing’s arms when he was prevented by an unexpected hand that pushed the unfortunate boy aside.

When Fang Qi encountered Zhou Wenyan’s eyes, he quickly abandoned his plan to hug Shen Dongqing. 

“What happened after you came in?” Shen Dongqing inquired.

This Axe Ghost is too weak! It doesn’t fit the gloomy atmosphere of this building at all! Two more ghosts, please!

Fang Qi explained, “I’m here to deliver food…”

He carried the takeaway to the building and knocked on 501’s door. As a result, as the door opened, he ran into the crime scene before the takeaway was delivered. 

Brother Axe, the murderer, turned around and was about to hunt him down. For some reason, Fang Qi, who was going to flee, turned around and returned to this room, lingering with a female corpse as Brother Axe guarded the entrance and blocked his exit.

“Call the police, call the police,” Fang Qi shook uncontrollably.

Shen Dongqing: “No.”

Fang Qi: “Wh-why?” 

“Because the victim is lying on your back,” Shen Dongqing explained patiently.

Fang Qi didn’t react right away: “Wh-what…” He felt a damp touch on his back after being reminded, and his neck was itching, as if a woman’s hair was lightly brushing against it.

Wait a minute, woman…

Fang Qi appeared to have had an idea and didn’t dare to glance back. However, just because you refuse to see it does not mean it does not exist. 

Fang Qi soon felt the tuft of hair move away from his neck, but before he could exhale a sigh of relief, he felt his neck dip again, as if something had fallen on it.

His chest constricted, and he turned his head to look. The split-necked hostess was leaning on his shoulder, smiling affectionately.

Such a stimulus was too much for Fang Qi. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, his body relaxed, and he fainted. He only saw the hostess’s head about to fall off before losing consciousness.

Please don’t let me see such a spectacle again; whether he was hacked to death or scared to death. 

Fang Qi fainted without any psychological burden after praying in his heart.

Fang Qi slowly awoke after an unknown amount of time.

Fortunately, none of the frightening scenes from his hallucination appeared. Both Brother Axe and Sister Beheaded vanished without a trace, leaving just a filthy and messy room and a few onlookers standing nearby.

Shen Dongqing: “You’re awake.” 

Fang Qi rubbed his head and replied in a muffled voice, “Mmm, yes.”

Zhou Wenyan: “Let’s go down now that you’re up.”

Fang Qi stood up, looked to the left and right, and mumbled, “Wh-what about those two people?”

Shen Dongqing: “They’re gone.” 

Fang Qi’s voice rose: “They’re gone?!”

Shen Dongqing gave him an odd look: “That’s right.”

Fang Qi: “But, but …”

Could he have been dreaming just now? Impossible! Those scenes were obviously so real that it felt like a personal experience. 

He raised his eyes to the door. The door panel was undamaged and did not appear to have been hacked.

Fang Qi wailed, “I saw ghosts!”

“That’s right, you saw ghosts,” Shen Dongqing applauded.

Fang Qi gave him a blank expression. 

Is seeing ghosts something to rejoice over? Why are you applauding?

“It’s a shame I didn’t see many more,” Shen Dongqing lamented.

Fang Qi and Wu Jia: Is this how you react when you see a ghost?

It was dusk when they arrived, and after a time of tossing around, it was already seven or eight o’clock in the evening. They could see via the window that the weather was dreary today; there was no moon and no stars. 

After Fang Qi awoke, the party exited the room and went downstairs. They were about halfway through when they heard a woman’s groan from the corner.

Fang Qi and Wu Jia were both terribly scared after experiencing the situation just now and dared not walk down. Shen Dongqing, on the other hand, couldn’t wait to walk over. He saw a woman in a white dress sitting on the ground. She had loose hair, was clearly pregnant, and appeared to have difficulty moving about.

When the pregnant woman spotted someone approaching, she covered her stomach and moaned, “Can you help me…”

Perhaps because a pregnant lady’s capacity is relatively weak, Wu Jia and Fang Qi let down their guard and stepped up one by one to help the woman up. 

“Do you want me to take you to the hospital?”

Because the pregnant woman was wearing a white skirt, it was easy to see that it was stained with blood.

The pregnant lady turned pale and waved her hands: “No, no need. My house is upstairs, just take me home.”

“Which floor?” 

“401,” the pregnant woman said.

Fang Qi raised his head and looked at the spiral staircase above him. It was so dark that it seemed to be capable of devouring everyone. They hesitated for a while, remembering what happened on the fifth floor.

Right then, Shen Dongqing spoke. He was beaming as he said: “Send her up. After all…I like helping ‘people’ the most.”

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