Fei Yan picked up her phone and dialed Mo Lihua's number. It went directly to her voicemail. It's not even a day yet since the incident in the mountain and when she left Mo Lihua with Piore at the restaurant.

Now, they need to deal with people who kidnapped the Mo Master and the Yu Family members. "This is really bothersome." Fei Yan blurted out tiredly.

She wasn't really looking forward to see any Doncrelli family member especially the man that has his name starting with a 'P'. What can she do though? The world is small.

Well, for her as well, if not for the Mo Lihua incident, she will not rushed back home. Even in panicked state, it's better than being brainwashed by the crazy family.

Add to the fact, that things with "always" turned extreme so she was certain this time would be no exception.

If Mo Lihua hadn't had the decency to checked in with Fei Yan and warned her not to do anything before they arrived, she already rushed to the lead that she had about the kidnappers.

'Why not?' She thought to herself. There is no harm scouting right? After all she is good with intelligence, but never good at waiting.

Fei Yan grinned as she instantly formed her plan. She redialled the phone and decided to leave a message. "Hey, it's me again." Fei Yan walked to her car in a dark parking garage. "I will be driving around. Call me if I need to hide somewhere so I don't get killed."

She paused for a moment before suddenly screaming, "Enemies!"She shouted loud and stopped speaking for a moment but made sure to check that her message is still being recorded.

Then she laughed, "Haha! Just kidding. I am alright! Just bored. Call me back if I need to come armed and dressed to kill." She hung up the phone as she reached her car door. She clicked her key which echoed through the park house with a beep.

Fei Yan lifted her leg to sit in the driver's seat. With a sudden bang, she looked up at the ceiling in a dazed, the light inside the car flickered and swirled as she felt dizzy. She placed her hand behind her head to check herself and realized that her hand had a trickle of blood.

'I've been shot?'Fei Yan was confused, 'But I am still alive…'

Adrenaline rushed through her body and as she came to her senses and realised she was under attack. Fei Yan sat herself up slightly and leaned on her elbows for support and noticed a figure dressed in black with a balaclava mask under her car. The figure was still choking her ankle. As the person crawled out from under the chassis, the figure began to mount Fei Yan.

Her fight or flight thinking kicked in and she immediately kicked the figure in the face. Blood streamed from the face of that person but the black mask soaked up most of the evidence.

The figure didn't seem to flinch or made a sound despite the counter attack he had just endured and continued his pursuit to climb on top of Fei Yan.

"As*hole! That is not how you pick a woman for the night!" She shouted tauntingly to the man as she continued to fight back.

"Oy! Listen! Are you deaf?!"

The man ignored her so Fei Yan can only focus on getting away from her attacker but it was a great struggle given that she's already injured and started to feel dizzy.

Being blindsided, it left her flank open and with another sudden blow to her right ribs Fei Yan let out a heavy breath from her lungs and gasped loudly fighting the complete darkness to take over.

She turned to her right and searched for the second attacker but there was none..

Her vision still blurred from getting hit on her head Fei Yan searched through the haze to see if someone would appear.

Fei Yan heard a shuffle from her left and turned just in time to fan kick her second enemy in the face. Their head snapped to the side from the violent thrash of her leg against their mask.

"Wait! How kinky can you both be? I cannot take both of you at the same time!" Fei Yan stated loudly. In all honesty, she is just spouting nonsense. She just wanted to keep talking to fight the dizziness as well as to call for help.

Any help. Even a tiny distraction for her attackers so she can look for an opportunity to escape.

AN: Thank you so much for the wait and continuous support, despite the long hiatus for this novel. A lot happened on my personal life, health issues and college internship, for me to be unable to update. Moving forward, I will do my best to upload at least 2 chapters daily, edited or unedited to make up for it. I really appreciate the patience and understanding from everyone!

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