Is this even real?

The fact that we’re meeting so suddenly makes it all the more unbelievable.

I cautiously examined my opponent’s appearance.

I thought it was just dirty gray hair, but upon closer inspection, it was more like silver hair. Beneath her snow-white lashes were jewel-pink eyes, and…….

Her body was dirty from lack of washing, but her skin was fairer and whiter than anyone else’s.

And most of all, the tattered piece of cloth wrapped around the back of her hand caught my eye.

For those who were born with holy power, there was a special mark. She had that special mark on the back of her hand.

However, people who did not feel the presence of holy power were uncomfortable with the symbol on the back of the heroine’s hand.

It was ironic. She was ostracized because she was loved by the gods.

As a result, Sienna kept the back of her hand covered at all times. If anyone saw the back of her hand, bad things always happened.

I silently breathed a sigh of relief.

That’s right. It’s the real Sienna.

I can’t believe I ran into her after all this time looking for her.

It was so hot in the workshop that I went outside to get some air. There was a big tree not far away, so I went to sit under it to escape the heat, but a girl had already taken the spot.

We were sitting next to each other and I got curious, so I spoke to her…….

‘I’m Vivian, what’s your name?’

‘Uh, I’m Sienna.’

I was so lucky to meet her.

Oh, my. I can’t believe Kyle isn’t here at a time like this.

As soon as I thought that I didn’t need to worry about the original relationship, I felt unnecessarily disturbed when I met the female protagonist.

It was like the heavens were telling me that these two are meant to be together.

I sighed heavily, and Sienna visibly flinched. Sienna scrambled to her feet.

“I’m sorry, miss. I should probably get going.”

“What? Why!”

“I’ve disturbed the noble lady’s mood. Please rest here. I’ll be out of your sight soon.”

“No! Don’t go!”

I grabbed Sienna as she turned to leave. I grabbed her hand, which covered the symbol on the back of her hand.

The knot in the worn cloth had come undone, revealing what looked like a scar.

Sienna freaked out and covered the back of her hand.

I released her hand quickly, feeling like I was harassing her.

“I’m sorry. Did I scare you?”

“Oh, not at all.”

Sienna hesitantly wrapped a cloth around the back of her hand.

I purposely avoided looking in her direction and quickly excused myself.

“You don’t have to move because of me, really. If you’re uncomfortable, I’ll move.”

“No! You don’t have to do that because of me…!”

“So you don’t have to move either. I’m sorry for grabbing you out of nowhere, and I won’t even look at you anymore. So we’ll just sit here in the shade and just relax. Okay?”

I gently soothed the startled Sienna. The idea was to hold her down so she couldn’t run away.

I couldn’t let her get away.

Fortunately, Sienna calmed down before I had to forcefully hold her in place.

She seemed to think I didn’t see anything because I had no reaction to the back of her hand.

But it was unnerving to know that she’s poised to run away at any moment.

Oh, man.

Shouldn’t I just summon Kyle and set up the first meeting with Sienna?

But now I’ve decided I don’t care about the original… What the hell do I want to do and how do I want to do it?

I couldn’t think for long. Maybe it was the heat.

Regardless, I was sincere in my desire not to lose sight of Sienna, so I kept talking, trying to keep the conversation going.

“You seem to be sweating even when you’re sitting still, don’t you?”

“Yeah… that’s right.”

“Aren’t you thirsty? My maid will be back with something to drink in a little while, and we can have a drink together.”

“No, thank you!”

“It’s okay to say yes – she’ll bring back a bunch anyway,” I said with a forced smile. I was sweating from nervousness.

My dress was heavy and suffocating. The top of my head felt like it was on fire in the hot sun.

“Hey…. Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine,” I muttered, one hand to my forehead.

I mean, there’s no reason not to be. I just happened to run into Sienna like this.

What a wonderful coincidence.

So everything had to be okay.

“You don’t look so good.”

“Ahaha, it’s okay, I’m just hot. It’s called a heat stroke!” I chattered on, but it didn’t really register in my head what I was saying.

I was sweating profusely and feeling a little dizzy.

“Vivi, where are you?”

As my vision blurred and my blinking slowed, Kyle finally came out of the workshop to look for me.

“Kyle, why are you outside now!”

I exclaimed, my heart racing at the thought of potentially losing him. I scolded him for coming to me.

Kyle, suddenly scolded, looked puzzled. Sienna looked a little surprised too.

Wow……. what a mess…….

This was not what I thought their first meeting would be like.

My head was pounding with the unexpected twists and turns. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and lightheaded.

” Ugh…!”

” Vivi!”

I felt two hands catching my falling body.

Oh, no. I’m not supposed to pass out here like this…….

In and out of my fading consciousness, I began to black out.



Kyle caught Vivian as she collapsed helplessly. He could feel the faint heat of her body, higher than usual.

As he cradled Vivian’s head against his chest, Kyle called out.

“Vivi, Vivi, wake up!”

Vivian continued to slip into unconsciousness. Her breathing was a little fast, coming from the corners of her tiny mouth.

Kyle’s small hand came to rest on Vivian’s forehead. It felt hot.

Sienna hovered helplessly between Kyle and Vivian. Kyle, his senses heightened, snapped at her.

“You……. What did you do to Vivi?”

“I, I don’t know, I was just sitting there with her…….”

“Then what’s wrong with Vivi!”

He started shaking, as if he was the one suffering from some kind of illness.

What if Vivi dies like this? What if he never hears that sweet, giggling voice again….?

Kyle’s heart sank.

‘There’s no time for this.’

They needed to get Vivian to the doctor. His usual bodyguards were nowhere to be found when he needed them.

Helplessly, Kyle tried to pick Vivian up. But the unconscious body was heavier than he thought.

Sienna caught him as he sagged under the weight.

“Wait, please, one moment,” she pleaded.

“Keep your filthy hands to yourself!” Kyle growled at Sienna. 

Sienna flinched and shuddered at his fierceness.

The dirty girl who had been hovering by Vivian’s side earlier. Her gnarled hands, her tattered clothes, all of it.

And the fact that she was trying to get to Vivian like that.

It didn’t matter who it was, he simply didn’t like the idea of a nameless street kid staying with her.

Why in the world was she with that child?

Vivian’s mind seems to have been somewhere else since the carriage ride to the workshop.

She seemed to be paying attention until the moment when she saw the finished sword, but when he headed to the backyard to swing it, she was gone again.

Kyle rushed outside to find Vivian, only to find her sitting next to a child with a friendly smile on her face.

Because she was so kind, he thought, of course she would speak kindly to a child like that.

‘I hate it.’

Her kindness should be reserved only for him.

And yet, at the same time… he wondered.

Maybe this child was the one she needed to find.

Those who are thirsty for affection have frighteningly accurate instincts. And Kyle’s instincts were spot on.

Kyle glared at Sienna. 

Sienna swallowed hard and said, “Give me a minute.”

“Get out of my way.”

“Maybe I can help.”

“How could you?” Kyle asked venomously.

Vivian’s body on his back was radiating heat.

His heart raced with impatience at the thought of getting her to a doctor as soon as possible.

But Sienna stubbornly held onto the hem of Kyle’s robe and wouldn’t let go.

“Let me see her.”


Kyle’s sharp voice cut her off like a knife. But Sienna was just as stubborn.

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