
Chapter 147 -148


Chapter 147: No Mercy

“The class’s first place?” Huang Xiaolong blanked for an instant before smiling amiably at Lu Kai, “That’s right, this time I also want to take the class’s number one spot!”

But then again, there were words hidden within his meaning that Huang Xiaolong did not say aloud. Not only did he want the class’s first place, he also wanted to win the Third Year’s number one spot, and the Academy’s overall first place!

However, Lu Kai revealed a wry smile hearing his answer: “Sure! Continue being the undefeated number one legend!”

From the first year Huang Xiaolong enrolled in the Cosmic Star Academy, he had been winning the class’s number one spot every year, and by now, after so many years, it turned into Huang Xiaolong’s undefeated legend amongst the Cosmic Star Academy students.

Saying this, Lu Kai suddenly exposed a wretched smile, “Since you are promoted to Third Year, then this Bro can be the class’s number one!”

With Huang Xiaolong advancing to the Third Year, in regards to Second Year Class Six, Lu Kai’s strength was the strongest this year. Taking the number one spot in the class division was as easy as snapping his fingers.

Initially, when Lu Kai heard Huang Xiaolong was ‘promoted’ to Third Year, he was quite ecstatic. These past few years, being in the same Second Year Class Six as Huang Xiaolong was a huge pressure, and these same years were the most depressing ones he had in this aspect as the Prince of Luo Tong Kingdom.

Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai chatted as they walked in the direction of the Holy Hall.

“Dude, you are as rich as a kingdom ah!” Lu Kai sighed, “In the Thousand Treasures Auction, you threw over twenty million gold coins without so much as blinking, whereas I don’t even have two million on me!”

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “When you ascend to the throne, everything in the Luo Tong Kingdom will be yours.”

Lu Kai shook his head, “That is too far in the future.”

Though Lu Kai was nominated as the next in line for the Luo Tong Kingdom King’s throne, the first hurdle he need to cross was breaking through to the Tenth Order.

Lu Kai was indeed talented, but the time he needed to advance to the Tenth Order was indeterminable.

Huang Xiaolong just smiled without saying anything.

A while later, Huang Xiaolong, Lu Kai, and the rest arrived at the Cosmic Star Academy’s Holy Hall.

Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai’s arrival raised a wave of hubbub through the crowd.

Huang Xiaolong’s status has elevated immensely in the Academy, and the Academy’s thousands and thousands of students worshipped him.  He was a goal they strived for. Even Huang Xiaolong’s way of dressing and his overall style were imitated by the male students in the Academy.

For example, Huang Xiaolong’s hair was left loose over his shoulders, casually gathered with a soft twine string, and normally, most of his robes were ocean blue.

After the New Year, Huang Xiaolong would be seventeen, and his height had already reached over five foot nine. His skin was a healthy tan color, paired with the darkest of obsidian pupils, and a he had a tall nose; he was absolutely the epitome of a handsome youth.

Also, there was an elegant, yet dominant aura emanating from Huang Xiaolong’s body. Yes, an elegant dominance that added to his charm, making the hearts of women beat wildly when looking at him.

“Huang Xiaolong!!”

“Huang Xiaolong, I love~~~ you!”

The Holy Hall broke out in an endless echo of passionate shrieks just as the previous years before. Some female students screamed Huang Xiaolong’s name at the top of their lungs, exactly like the groupies of celebrities on Earth.

“See, you even overshadowed my limelight as the Prince!” Lu Kai complained laughingly at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong let out a faint, helpless smile at Lu Kai’s remark.

However, not everyone in the Holy Hall held goodwill or frenzied excitement at Huang Xiaolong’s arrival. Quite a number of male students had resentment towards Huang Xiaolong because no one would be happy seeing so many women going crazy over one man in such a manner. Especially when that woman was someone they had a crush on.

Amongst the different groups of people, a girl dressed in white was also looking at Huang Xiaolong with sparkling eyes, and she was the same person who battled Huang Xiaolong for the Second Year’s first place sometime ago, Chen Caixiu.

Chen Caixiu was promoted to the Third Year Class one year earlier than Huang Xiaolong, but now she was in the same class as Huang Xiaolong: the Third Year Third Class.

“I didn’t expect this freakish man would also advance into the Third Year’s class.” Chen Caixiu murmured under her breath.

There was a cold aristocratic man that was observing Chen Caixiu the entire time, he then shifted his gaze onto Huang Xiaolong.

This young man with good looks was the inner courtyard’s Zhou Teng.

Zhou Teng was the strongest student inside the inner courtyard, and he was hailed as the strongest genius student in the entire Cosmic Star Academy.

Zhou Teng had admired Chen Caixiu for a long time, but the few times he confessed, he was always rejected.

At this point, a pale-faced young man behind Zhou Teng came up behind him with a snicker, “This Huang Xiaolong, just by relying on his Primordial Divine Dragon martial spirit, has become unbounded and arrogant. Big Bro Zhou, you want some ‘advice’? Why don’t you have Lin Han pay him extra care on the stage later?”

Lin Han was a Third Year student in the same class as Huang Xiaolong, and he was currently said to be the strongest student in Third Year Class Three.

Zhou Teng shot a glance at the pale-faced young man and nodded his head slightly, “Go, tell Lin Han as long as he defeats Huang Xiaolong, I will reward him with a mid-Grade Four Spirit Dan!”

“Yes, Big Bro Zhou.”

At this juncture, Huang Xiaolong separated with Lu Kai, Huang Min, and his younger brother, Huang Xiaohai, as they proceeded to different sections of the Holy Hall.

Huang Xiaolong walked in the direction of Third Year Class Three’s spot and was a little surprised seeing Chen Caixiu there. Huang Xiaolong merely nodded at her in greeting.

However, Chen Caixiu walked up to Huang Xiaolong, smiling as she said, “It’s really unexpected that you would advance to the Third Year so fast. Now that we are classmates, maybe we will have an opportunity to battle again later.”

Huang Xiaolong grinned, “Then you must be lenient with me.”

Chen Caixiu’s delicate lips curved into a smile, “I should be the one saying this to you.”

The year they battled against each other, she had already broken through to the Ninth Order whereas Huang Xiaolong was only a peak mid-Eighth Order. Despite that, she was not his opponent. In Chen Caixiu’s opinion, the Huang Xiaolong that had just stepped into the Ninth Order would be far stronger than her at peak early-Ninth Order.

Far away, Zhou Teng was looking gloomy as he watched Chen Caixiu and Huang Xiaolong talking so familiarly, laughing like they were best friends. The jealousy in Zhou Teng’s chest was set ablaze.

At this moment, Lin Han strode towards Chen Caixiu and Huang Xiaolong.

“You’re Huang Xiaolong?” Lin Han’s eyes scrutinized Huang Xiaolong repeatedly from top to bottom.

“Correct.” Huang Xiaolong acknowledged him with a calm expression.

“I’m Lin Han.” Lin Han stated, “You’ve always been the class number one since you enrolled into the Academy, but this year, your undefeated record comes to an end.”

A strong scent of gunpowder spread in the air.

This attracted the attention of nearby people.

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong’s retorted nonchalantly.

Lin Han snickered, “Don’t think because the principal likes you and you have Marshal Haotian as your backer that I will show mercy. On the battle stage, I will not be the same as some other people, holding back and being lenient with you.” The underlying meaning in his voice was obviously accusing Huang Xiaolong of relying on Marshal Haotian for the first place spot that he acquired every year. Thus, his opponents were merciful towards him, holding back, giving Huang Xiaolong the opportunity to shine.

Huang Xiaolong detected it, and of course, the people around were also smart enough to understand it.

“I won’t be lenient towards you as well.” Huang Xiaolong answered lightly.

Hearing this, Lin Han snorted coldly, turned around, and left.

“This Lin Han is very strong; Huang Xiaolong, you must be careful later since he is an early-Tenth Order warrior!” Watching Lin Han leave some distance away, Chen Caixiu couldn’t help but caution Huang Xiaolong.

Noticing the worry in Chen Caixiu’s face, Huang Xiaolong smiled reassuringly and said, “Don’t worry, I will.”

Chen Caixiu blushed inexplicably, nodded shyly, then she turned around and left as well.



Chapter 148: Lin Han Landed a Punch!

Shortly afterwards, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu appeared, making their way to the main stage. Similarly as with previous competitions, when both of them arrived, one of them would explain the rules briefly before announcing the start of the competition– it was practically a tradition.

The Third Year Third Class teacher, which was the head of the class Huang Xiaolong belonged to, was named Chen Xiaojing. However, when he recommended the two strongest candidates for the class winner, Huang Xiaolong was not one of them.

Instead, it was the same Lin Han as the past and another female student named Huang Wen.

Lin Han was an early Tenth Order warrior, and Huang Wen was a peak late-Ninth Order warrior.

When Huang Xiaolong heard the two strongest people of his class was Lin Han and Huang Wen, he did not raise any objection nor did he feel strange. After all, he was just promoted to the class recently, and in the opinion of others, no matter how fast he had risen, he was most likely merely at peak early-Ninth Order.

On the battle stage.

Lin Han and Huang Wen stood on the battle stage, and the moment the judge gave the signal to begin, Huang Wen had called out her martial spirit. Her martial spirit was an ice type; more specifically, it was a nature spirit, one with an affinity to ice.

Huang Wen’s ice martial spirit was White Ice.

When her martial spirit moved towards her, Huang Wen looked like she was shrouded in an ice world. Her soul transformation happened in an instant, and she took the initiative to attack Lin Han. Despite that, Lin Han did not bother to call out his martial spirit, facing Huang Wen with only his bare fist.

Even so, in the end, Huang Wen still lost to Lin Han.

Although there was only a small gap between an early Tenth Order and a peak late-Ninth Order, this ‘small’ gap was a deep canyon to overcome. This was the difference in strength.

Everyone watching felt it was only natural that Huang Wen lost, considering Lin Han was acknowledged as the strongest person among his peers in the Third Year Third Class. It was within expectations that he defeated Huang Wen.

After his win over Huang Wen, Lin Han stood in the middle of the stage with his hands behind his back while his eyes swept across his classmates, and when his gaze fell on Huang Xiaolong, it was chilling and full of provocation.

“Lin Han wins! Who wants to step forward for a challenge?” The judge stood on the stage and said in a modulated tone, “If no wants to challenge Lin Han, then first place for Third Year Third Class will be Lin Han!”

“Me!” A voice sounded in the silence, attracting the attention of the Third Year Class Three students.

When they saw it was Huang Xiaolong, a low buzz generated from the crowd, some snorted while others were surprised. Each had a different reaction on their faces.

“I was right, this Huang Xiaolong really wants to challenge him!”

“Does he think he can win over Lin Han? He still dreams of getting the class’s first place?”

The sounds of high and low volumed voices sounded in the air.

Huang Xiaolong had always been a talking point of the Academy since his first year, and seeing as he wished to challenge Lin Han, it drew quite a reaction from the crowd.

At this time, the Third Year Class Three teacher stepped in front of Huang Xiaolong and cautioned him in a solemn voice, “Huang Xiaolong, you really want to challenge Lin Han? You’ve just been admitted into the Third Year this year. In my opinion… why don’t you wait till next year before challenging him?”

Huang Xiaolong’s talent may be amazing, but still, he was just promoted to the Third Year. The teacher highly doubted that Huang Xiaolong could possibly be Lin Han’s opponent. Huang Xiaolong was regarded as Cosmic Star Academy’s hope by Sun Zhang and received a lot of care from him– the teacher didn’t want Huang Xiaolong challenging a stronger opponent without the strength to back it up, as he could end up with severe injuries.

But at this point, Lin Han who was up on the stage snickered in a mocking tone, “Teacher Chen, it’s just sparring; don’t worry, I will pay attention during the fight and not go overboard.”

Huang Xiaolong walked up the stage without any changes to his expression.

Chen Xiaojing frowned as he watched Huang Xiaolong’s back, but he did not attempt to persuade him any further.

Since he’s this insistent, then eating some pain would be good for him, and it would grind down his arrogance some! Chen Xiaojing thought to himself in his heart. A superb talent genius such as Huang Xiaolong having some proud arrogance was normal.

Under the crowd’s curious eyes and whispers, Huang Xiaolong walked onto the stage and stood still.

Watching Huang Xiaolong, Lin Han sneered, “Heihei, I didn’t expect you would really dare to come up, and of course I’ve said I will take care when attacking. I always keep my words, I definitely will pay attention later!”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “You talk too much nonsense, make your move.”

“My move?!” Lin Han was caught off guard by Huang Xiaolong’s words, but very quickly, his face turned grim. In a ridiculing tone, he questioned,

“You’re telling me to attack first?”

“Yes,” came Huang Xiaolong’s placid reply.

This triggered another reaction from the crowd below.

“This Huang Xiaolong actually dared to tell Lin Han to attack first?”

“Too haughty!”

“Haughty? This is called domineering, this is called confidence, this is what you call a man!”

Some of the female students’ eyes were shining stars as they stared fanatically at Huang Xiaolong. The male students felt that Huang Xiaolong was too arrogant whereas the female students were rejoicing in their idol’s dominance and confidence!

Chen Xiaojing heard Huang Xiaolong tell Lin Han to make the first move, and he secretly shook his head. Apparently, he too felt Huang Xiaolong was too arrogant, too conceited!

On Chen Caixiu’s face was a shadow of worry.

Listening to the words coming from all directions, Lin Han’s face grew increasingly sullen as he glowered at Huang Xiaolong, “Fine, before ten breaths’ time is up, I will kick you off the stage! I initially wanted to let you stay longer on the stage, leaving you more face!” Before the last word sounded, his body had dashed forward, and a powerful fist struck out at Huang Xiaolong.

“Great Moonlight Fist!”

The fist struck out, and a giant fist suddenly appeared on the stage like a penumbra moon that was falling on the stage. The airflow surrounding the giant fist turned black, making the atmosphere on the stage eerie.

The attack carried a frosty energy that quickly spread on the stage, causing some of the weaker students below the stage to retreat in fright.

Huang Xiaolong stood still watching the Great Moonlight Fist punch coming at him. Then, before the shocked eyes of everyone watching, he received the full extent of the attack.

Bang! The sound echoed in the air.

The fist landed squarely on Huang Xiaolong’s torso.

“Wow!” Sounds of exclamation came like waves from the crowd of students below.

“Just one move, and Huang Xiaolong is already hit by Lin Han!”

“Lin Han’s Great Moonlight Fist is very powerful, and even a mid-Tenth Order expert would be injured with an attack like that! Huang Xiaolong will definitely lose!”

“I already said Huang Xiaolong is too haughty and arrogant. See, Senior Brother Lin Han only used one move to defeat him!”

“What undefeated legend, all this is bullshit! What Senior Brother Lin Han said earlier was right– the reason Huang Xiaolong won all those times was because they were lenient and conceded the win to him!”

The group of male students that were jealous of Huang Xiaolong were excited watching Huang Xiaolong being beaten by Lin Han, and their cheers grew increasingly raucous as if they were venting out all their resentment and frustration suppressed within themselves. The opposite gender that thought Huang Xiaolong was domineering and confident deflated instantly, and disappointment flashed across their eyes.

So, the undefeated legend in their hearts was actually so useless?

Far away, Zhou Teng nodded in satisfaction watching Lin Han’s powerful punch land on Huang Xiaolong, smiling as he commented, “Lin Han, this kid did well.”

He had quite the confidence in Lin Han’s Great Moonlight Fist.

On the main platform, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were also shocked watching Huang Xiaolong suffer a hit. In their mutual opinion, Huang Xiaolong might not be Lin Han’s opponent, but he should not have been struck so easily and defeated!

Successful in his attack, Lin Han’s feet touched the stage floor as he floated down from midair. There was a brilliant smile on his face, however, at this exact moment, the smile on his face froze. Disbelief crept into his eyes and the mocking, disdainful voices in the area surrounding the battle stage came to an abrupt stop as their eyes widened in shock and disbelief as well.  Just like Lin Han, they looked at Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette on the battle stage.

The four corners of the battle stage were quiet, deadly quiet!

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