Possession (11)

As much as I inquired about this and that, I wanted to try and answer as much as I could, but he just silently nodded his head. I invited him one more time, but he hadn’t said anything and just looked at the silver ring.

Suddenly, Lee Hamin’s voice came to mind.

“What class are you?”


My eyes turned to Haru. I saw him having a hard time answering then, but if I ask now, would he still be uncomfortable?

Just as the Four Great Heavenly Kings already barged into my life and ruined the smooth path I prepared for myself, Haru could have been like the Four Great Heavenly Kings. I was worried about that fact and concluded that it would be better to directly ask than looking at the ring.

“Hyung, you talked about class earlier.”


“Can you tell me what class you’re in?”


Taking a break, Haru bowed his head. It seems like it’s been less than ten minutes since we met, but Haru lowering his head felt very familiar. If there was a difference, he was lowering his head not because he was in trouble but because he was embarrassed.

I thought it was an illusion, but seeing the back of his neck turn red, I thought I was right. A timid voice revealed his class a while later.


“What did you say?”

I asked him again since I couldn’t hear him properly. Haru raised his head and rubbed the nape of his neck, avoiding my gaze. He looked like a shy boy about to confess.



Haru plucked the courage to tell me his class once again and covered his mouth in shame. Opening my mouth, I looked at the boy avoiding my gaze and trembling.

Well… with all due respect, he is pretty shy.

He didn’t need to be so shy about his class.


“Hahaha, what!”

“He’s so much fun! I like him!”

After Sihyun left, Haewoon clapped his hands happily and slapped Geonwoo’s shoulder as the auditorium lingered in silence. Geonwoo looked at Haewoon indifferently, who looked like he was about to fall down. He looked at Hamin, who was as calm as the night before a storm, then moved his gaze to Seowoo, who was smiling.

“I didn’t expect this to happen…”

Seowoo, who spoke with a sigh, stared at Sihyun and Haru standing in front of the transparent auditorium door. Sihyun, who looked like he was having a friendly conversation with the boy, even smirked and laughed in the end.

“He’s laughed like that before.”

He smiled lightly when he chose a partner, and laughed like that after both of them went out. It was a different look from when he only frowned and looked uncomfortable. Seowoo, who smiled at the sight of Sihyun having fun, turned his gaze to Hamin, who looked serious from a while ago.

Hamin, who was looking at the transparent door quietly, chewed his lips as he put his hand in his pocket to take his ringing phone. He took his phone to look at the screen.


Hamin’s eyes darkened at the name. His veins popped out as he gripped his phone.

Buzz, buzz~

When he looked down at the screen of his phone without answering the call, the black phone cried as if to urge Hamin. Hamin, who sighed because he knew it would call again no matter how many times he ignored it, walked out the door with his phone.

Sihyun, who had been in front of the door until the phone call, seemed to have gone home in the meantime so the front door was empty.

Glancing out of the auditorium, Hamin, who looked at his phone, slowly moved his finger reluctantly. As he pushed the ‘accept’ button and put the phone to his ear, the atmosphere around Hamin became heavy.



As soon as he answered the phone, he could already tell his brother was going to ask, “Why did you take so long to pick up?” He chewed his lips at the sound of his voice. It was a voice that sounded friendly yet his throat tightened at the sound.

“Did the entrance ceremony go well?”

He always asked about his daily life in a strange way. Hearing his brother pretend to be a kind brother made his skin crawl. He was appalled. Hamin knew better than anyone that his older brother was not the type to call to check in on his younger brother.

“Just tell me what you want.”

“I heard a new class came out.”


“Did you partner with them?”

He knew this would happen. When the situation he had foreseen since he first learned of Sihyun’s class came true, Hamin felt a headache coming and pressed his temple with his finger.

How will he react when he finds out that Hamin couldn’t partner with someone from a new class?

His vision went dark. Looking at Haewoon inside the auditorium, Hamin came up with the best excuse and opened his mouth.

“It was a buffer.”

“And the new class?”

The question returned as if he had been waiting for it.

Frustrated, Hamin pulled down his necktie.

“We don’t know what class it is. Why? Do you feel sorry for not seeing your younger brother gamble?”

He deliberately exaggerated his voice. As he answered, immersing himself in the role of a shy younger brother, a short silence continued over the phone.



Hamin, who felt his heart beat faster at the sound of his voice, slowly swallowed his breath.

“If you were going to act, you shouldn’t have made it obvious.”


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