First Spirit Master: Chen Bingxi, Rank A.

He was a guy who only cared about his own interests. In his eyes, Spirit Users were just tools. He didn’t see Zero as a person!

So when he realized that Zero was of no use to him, he directly brought her, along with the Weapon Spirit Association, to the ultimate court. And a sky-high compensation was awarded!

As a result, Zero was expelled from the Weapon Spirit Association and became a freelance Spirit User. She became a laughingstock among advanced Spirit Masters. No advanced Spirit Master would hire her anymore!

The risks were too great. If someone wanted to bind with Zero, they had to sacrifice 10% of their compatibility. And there was a possibility of no return and having to switch Spirit Users. Another 10% compatibility would be sacrificed.

The extremely rare SSS rank Spirit User became worthless!

During that time, Su Su had already successfully bound with Lin Yuexi. When Zero was at her most helpless, Su Su took her into her home. She went through a period of depression at home. Finally, she made up her mind to pull herself together and find a Spirit Master on her own. Su Su naturally encouraged her when she saw her getting back on her feet.

But just as she had set out and hadn’t gone far, she encountered someone. Second Spirit User: Nangong Ling!

At the time, he was a B-rank Spirit User. Zero always remembered what Su Su had told her, to let someone help her choose a Spirit Master. So she brought Nangong Ling to meet Su Su.

Su Su threatened him when they met! “If you dare lay a finger on Zero, I won’t spare you!”

Who was the person behind her? Heiress of the conglomerate – Lin Yuexi!

Anyone who knew about Zero’s connection with her wouldn’t dare touch her! Su Su was afraid that Zero would be swayed by sweet words. She even pulled out hundreds of terms and conditions. She made Nangong Ling sign them. If he didn’t sign, he could forget about binding with Zero’s system!

She was completely relying on Lin Yuexi’s support and showed no mercy to Nangong Ling! She wanted to be domineering, she wanted to be strong. She wanted to make him understand that Zero might be easy to bully. But Su Su would definitely fight back with all her might!

It wasn’t some tyrannical clause. Those clauses were all about protecting Zero.

“1: Prohibit any improper physical contact!”

“2: Prohibit emotional manipulation! (In other words, no dating or calling each other sister, brother, or father.)”

“3: Prohibit sharing a bedroom, there must be two separate rooms.”

And so on…

This is a clause drafted by a professional legal team hired by Lin Yuexi. It has legal effect, and if anyone dares to step into the forbidden zone, Su Su and Lin Yuexi will never let them off. Sending them to jail would be considered lenient. So, the self-defense techniques Su Su taught Zero were never put to use!

Even when she fell down, Spirit Masters wouldn’t dare to help her up. Holding hands was also within the prohibited range!

Later, when Nangong Ling realized that Zero was truly useless, he promptly proposed to terminate the contract. But it was a peaceful termination.

However, Su Su was still furious and stormed into his house, scolding him for two days and two nights! After scolding him relentlessly, she finally went back home.

After being abandoned for the second time, Zero fell into another period of depression…

Su Su gritted her teeth and vowed to be more careful next time!

Third Spirit User: Chen Buxun. B-rank Spirit User.

This time, Su Su conducted a thorough investigation for a long time. Almost two months! In the end, she felt that this Chen Buxun was quite reliable. Zero also thought so.

However, being reliable was not enough. The terms had to be signed, no negotiations!

Even though Zero felt that those terms were hurtful and advised Su Su not to do it. Su Su just didn’t listen! She would never allow Zero to be potentially harmed in any way.

Those terms were indeed quite insulting. Firstly, they questioned one’s character!


The temptation of an SSS-rank Spirit User was too great for Spirit Masters!

Even though many people knew that Zero had been to the ultimate court. But many people also had dreams of overnight success. An SSS-rank Spirit User may be useless to others, but what if they are useful to me? For the sake of this SSS-rank Spirit User, what is a little humiliation?

This was something Su Su hadn’t anticipated. However, the reality was that Zero was abandoned time and time again, and she felt heartbroken each time. There were some female Spirit Masters who didn’t need to sign any clauses. But the result was the same; they also abandoned her.

But because of Su Su, everyone treated Zero with kindness on ordinary days. Except for He Yu, all terminations were peaceful. After all, Su Su had Lin Yuexi, who was wealthy and influential, behind her.

When terminating the contract, everyone would still comfort Zero, afraid that Su Su would cause trouble for them. Even so, Su Su, with Lin Yuexi by her side, beat them all without leaving anyone untouched!

If you can’t keep your promise, don’t agree in the first place! Don’t make promises! These people were only driven by immediate greed!

They were just curious and wanted to see how powerful SSS-rank was. Some people knew her true situation but still wanted to take a gamble, hoping for a miracle. There were also people who didn’t know, although Su Su made the true situation clear in advance. But most people were willing to give it a try.

Unbelievably, when they realized there was absolutely no hope. They all ran away faster than rabbits!

With Su Su’s temper, she would never let them off the hook. Gradually, Su Su gained some reputation in the low-level Spirit Master circle. Everyone knew that Zero had a hot-tempered best friend who was not to be messed with!

So there were fewer Spirit Masters coming to find Zero. However, it also eliminated a lot of trash who had dreams of soaring to success by relying on Zero. Over time, Su Su gradually gave up. She started venting her frustration, openly humiliating those Spirit Masters before binding. After all, they would eventually abandon Zero.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Su Su used to be a hundred times more excessive than now. She relied on Lin Yuexi’s wealth and power!

But all of that was for the sake of Zero. It was her way of protecting him. Those who couldn’t bear it ran away. Those who could endure Su Su’s humiliation barely passed the test, but in the end, they still gave up on Zero.

As a result, Zero became more and more desperate. Similarly, Su Su also became increasingly hopeless. She also began to think that Zero might never become a professional Spirit User!

So she changed her strategy and started persuading Zero not to find a new Spirit Master. She suggested that Zero stay with her for the rest of her life, as Lin Yuexi also liked Zero very much.

Zero could work a simple part-time job instead of being a professional Spirit User. Or any other ordinary occupation. After experiencing so many moments of despair, Zero had already given up. So she agreed to Su Su’s proposal and started working at a convenience store during weekdays.

She lived at Lin Yuexi’s house for a year, but she paid rent. Although her salary wasn’t enough to rent even a bathroom in that mansion. But at least she felt a little better in her heart.

And He Yu spent a year begging her! On the surface, he pleaded earnestly, showing sincere emotions. But deep down, he was only interested in her SSS-rank Spirit User identity. He believed that once he bound with her, he would soar to success!

Zero didn’t know he was such a two-faced person and eventually softened her heart. Unfortunately, the lie detector hadn’t been developed yet.

Although there was no lie detector, Su Su always felt that there was something wrong with his character. Lin Yuexi, who had seen through countless people, even stated bluntly: “This person is not good.”

But Zero stubbornly believed in his deception! She secretly bound with him in the system and only told Su Su afterward.

That night, with Su Su in her transformed Spirit User form, holding a Barrett, Lin Yuexi smashed open He Yu’s door. Pointing the transformed Su Su’s gun at He Yu’s forehead, they forced him to sign the agreement. If he didn’t sign, he would be sent straight to the afterlife!

Naturally, He Yu, who bullied the weak and feared the strong, didn’t dare to do anything to Zero. With such a best friend, all of Zero’s Spirit Masters trembled in fear at the mere mention of her! So He Yu served Zero with a polite and kind attitude.

Making Zero think that He Yu was treating her well, and it was her own fault that she couldn’t measure up. That’s why being abandoned was so painful for her.

On the night the contract was terminated, he truly became desperate. After all, the loli headbutt had sent him to the hospital…

In the span of a few years, Zero went through the ups and downs between multiple Spirit Masters, experiencing heartache and pain. That bitter and painful experience gradually froze her heart.

Until she met Chen Xing!

On the night they met, the domineering Chen Xing took away many of her firsts.

The first time she was princess-carried by a guy!

The first time she was piggybacked by a guy!

The first time she had intimate face-to-face contact! (Hiding from a chase in the bushes.)

The first time she fell in love with someone!

The moment they locked eyes at the front desk of the Safe Zone, it felt like an eternity in an instant! Love at first sight!

The first kiss… It represented the binding ceremony of being together for a lifetime.

All the self-defense techniques Su Su had taught her in her childhood were completely forgotten the moment she met Chen Xing!

What reservation, doubt, and concern? When you meet someone you truly like, all of that is cast aside. You only want to dedicate your whole being to the other person. That’s her expression of love!

Afterward, the relationship between the two developed faster than a rocket! They were just short of having a child.

And this situation was what Su Su feared the most!

So, before she understood Chen Xing, she was willing to do anything to break them apart. To prevent it from reaching a point of no return.

However, after she met Chen Xing.

As she looked into his clear and bright eyes, she suddenly understood why Zero fell in love with him. The pent-up emotions and knots in her heart for many years finally unraveled!

Suddenly, Su Su blinked her beautiful eyes.

When she opened them again, the sharpness in her gaze had vanished. Then, she lowered her eyelids and softly said: “Sister Yuexi…”

Lin Yuexi smiled and responded, “Hmm!”

“Let’s go.”


After saying that, Su Su retracted her gaze and looked at Zero, her face suddenly breaking into a smile. “Our agreement ends here! Fool!”

“Huh…?” Zero was dumbfounded on the spot.

After speaking, Su Su turned around and walked away, heading towards the door. In the instant she turned around, it seemed like Chen Xing saw glistening tears in her eyes. Was she crying?

Lin Yuexi politely said, “Then we’ll leave first.”

Chen Xing nodded in confusion, “Okay.”

At this moment, Su Su had already opened the door, but she paused, her figure frozen. Without turning her head, she said: “Oh, by the way, Chen Xing, I forgot to tell you, Zero didn’t need to answer any of those six questions!”

“Because I was with her!”

After saying that, she walked straight out the door.

Lin Yuexi quickly followed and gently closed the door.

Zero stared blankly at the door through which Su Su had left, tears uncontrollably streaming down her face.

Chen Xing was taken aback and quickly went over to hug her. “What’s wrong, Zero?”

“Sob, sob, sob…” Zero continued to cry, clinging to Chen Xing.

Chen Xing comforted her, feeling completely bewildered as to what had happened.

Su Su and Lin Yuexi entered the elevator, remaining silent throughout the journey.

They walked quickly all the way and got into the car directly.

After getting into the car, Su Su sat in the passenger seat. Her small feet rested on the seat, and she tightly hugged her knees with both arms. Curled up like that, she remained silent.

“Why are we rushing like this?” Lin Yuexi asked with a smile.

Su Su lifted her head, and there seemed to be a smile on her face, but tears glistened in her eyes. She wiped away the tears with her hand and smiled, saying, “I can’t let Zero see me crying!”

Lin Yuexi looked at that smile with a tinge of heartache and said, “If you want to cry, go ahead.”

Upon hearing this, the smile instantly disappeared from Su Su’s face. She bit her lip tightly, still trying her best not to cry.

Seeing her like that, Lin Yuexi leaned over from the driver’s seat and gently embraced her. In that moment, the tears burst forth completely! She sobbed loudly in the car…

After ten years, she finally fulfilled her promise to Zero!

Zero finally found her destined one and could finally live a happy life. In the instant she said those words, “Our agreement ends here,” a complete period was put to the ten years. All the heartaches they had gone through together over the past ten years surged up in their hearts. Even this strong-hearted girl couldn’t help but shed tears.

One, because she was happy. Two, because she was filled with emotions.

Three, because these ten years had been too difficult!

Four, because of the sudden feeling of reluctance after unburdening herself.

Zero’s crying was the same.

Su Su and Zero would be lifelong friends!

A long time passed, but Su Su was still crying.

“Zero has found her other half, you should be happy! Stop crying.”

“Sob… I don’t know why, but I feel like a daughter is getting married… Sob…”



“Sob… Hmm…”

“I love you.”

“Sob…” Zero sniffled, tightly embracing Chen Xing with her arms.

“I love you too!”

【 Ding~ Congratulations, bro, you’ve passed the test of your girlfriend’s best friend… You’ve persevered~ 】


“So… where’s my reward?”

【 Oh, see it for yourself. 】

As they spoke, a panel appeared in front of Chen Xing.

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