Chapter 1: Preface

Translator: Flying-Lines

I don't see myself as a good storyteller, but I definitely see myself as a good talker. For some reasons, I have encountered many people and experienced many things. One afternoon, it suddenly occurred to me that I should write them down in memory of those who appeared in my life or those I met only once.

When I made this decision, my mind was in a whirl, as if there were too many threads intertwining in it. Therefore, this idea had been written off again and again. I am really not good at embellishing these stories with flowery words, probably they would only be narrated in a straightforward way without even a climax. Later on, a friend told me, "Life is plain as it is, not as romantic as the poetry. You just need to record these stories rather than adorn them with fancy language." Then, I felt relieved.

I have heard of many love stories full of joys and sorrows, I have witnessed many heartbreaking partings and reunions, on which I have no right to comment or judge. I'm just lucky enough to meet these people and hear their stories. I always believe what time leaves for us is not much, and a seemingly boring afternoon may be the last stretch of many people's lives, which I learned a long time ago. So it's easier for me to see the other side of life. For example, as for a dog or a cat, I don't care if it's cute; I only care if it's happy.

This storybook, which is not much of a story, can only be regarded as "drunk words, sober thoughts" between bosom friends. It doesn't matter which lines are true which are not. I only care for those who truly understand where I'm coming from. And I do believe in parallel world, the other you are living a different life there. As you're sad, he's happy, and vice versa. Every story will end, and everyone will finally settle in, but do you believe that is the end? No, there is no end as long as you are alive, and so are the stories which will only keep unfolding. Among thousands of stories out there, there will always be similar ones, such as the good old story that Boy falls in love with Girl, Girl doesn't love Boy back. Though the conventional story has been told for thousands of years, we never fail to witness it for yet another time.. After all, love, a serious thing it is.

The book is called "Have You Got Booze to Boost up My Stories?" I hope when you feel lonely on many nights in the future, with only wine at your side, it can be used as a dish going with the wine. The amount of it is just right to make you drunk!

I've never been to South China although I like it, just like how I love North China and can't bear the thought of parting it. I'm always reluctant to check all the things I long for. I will keep my desire for those places I've never been to and those people I've never met. After all, there are so many people and things in the world worth being remembered with concern.

I enjoy drinking, but only when with the right people; I have many stories, but my wine may be not enough. If you don't mind, please offer me a drink of any brand on a quiet night when no company was around and let my stories sink in. You may find them crappy, provocative, and childish, please believe those stories that have happened and others that are about to happen will overlap. For all stories share one and only ending, which is, "Any resemblance to the story  is purely coincidental."

I'll write at night and finish a story when you go to bed in the small hours.

Then I'll extend "Good morning" to all sleepless cities and "Good night" to all sleepless people...

I'll write at night.

When you go to bed in the small hours, I'll finish a story.

Then I'll extend "Good morning" to all sleepless cities.

And "Good night" to all sleepless people...

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