Chapter 260 Whats up bitches, (fixed)

The audacity of those idiots. Chen Mi couldnt help but snarl as he thought about what just happened at the Yamen, just because they were mers, they were treated like this and yet that woman who tried to harm Fang Chi was allowed to leave scot free. Just an hour of detention what did they mean by that? Were they looking down on them? He turned to Fang Chi and hurriedly clasped his wrist, as he consoled him, Brother Chi, dont think about those idiots anymore. They are just corrupt officials who like to suck up to the powerful and try to bully the weak, dont even pay the slightest bit of attention to them.

Fang Chi smiled ruefully, he knew that he shouldnt take this matter to heart. After all, the minute they thought of taking that woman to the Yamen, he should have thought about this conclusion, he was a mer and no one cared about what happened to a mer. Even though it was unfair, there was nothing he could do, so he could only suck it up and remain silent. He shook his head and gently looked at Chen Mi, I am not going to pay any attention to them, even if I look upset, I will be fine in a few minutes. After all, its not the first time, that this happened to me.

This certainly didnt happen to him for the first time, when he and Mu Yuxo broke things off, back then even the villagers called him names. Even when he wasnt in the wrong, everyone thought of him as a seductive fox and cursed at him, some even went as far as telling him to look at his face before trying to leap into the nest of a Phoenix while he was an ugly duckling. Now even though those villagers said that he was a very fortunate mer and whatnot, those scars left behind by those ugly words had left a huge void in his heart and no one can fix it.

He suppressed the agony that he was feeling and smiled at Chen Mi with watery eyes, I dont really mind those people, its not like I can do anything to them and since, I cant do anything whats the point of even thinking about those ugly things and make myself upset?

Chen Mi felt even more upset when he heard Fang Chi say these things with a smile, at the same time, he couldnt help but feel wronged on Fang Chis behalf. It wasnt that he was the one in the wrong but yet they made him feel so worthless, he wished he could just kick them in the guts!!

Shen Li and Ye Liu were even more upset, there was so much they wanted to say but didnt, there was no point in fighting with those officers, clearly, they were in cahoots with that thug, since they didnt even lock her up and let her leave without any charges, even if they tried to fight them, most likely they would have been the one at the losing side.

Xiao Hua stared at the group and sighed, do you feel that bad about this? If so why dont you tell Yu Dong about it? I am pretty sure, she will avenge you.

Shen Li , Chen Mi and Ye Liu : .. avenge? More like she will wipe the floor of the yamen with those officers faces.

Fang Chis reaction too was extreme as he jumped and waved his hands, flailing them around, no we cant, absolutely cannot say a thing to Yu Dong, or else- realising what he was going to say, he immediately clamped his mouth shut.

But that only made the others even more suspicious, especially Xiao Hua who narrowed his eyes and pointed his fan at Fang Chi and said, what is it?

Silence. Fang Chi gritted his teeth even more as he shook his head but how can Xiao Hua let him go? He tipped his chin with his fan and repeated, what is it? Tell me or I am might spill what happened to Yu Dong, and then she will make those guys go ding dong like that huge bell at the towns squire.

Fang Chi was no match for Xiao Hua and in the end spilled everything, once the group finished listening they all exchanged a look with each other, sure enough, Yu Dongs tactics werent easy. She actually did something so terrifying to Mu Yuxi and that was when she knew that the latter was the daughter of the village head and still charged at her, if she found out that a lowly thug tried to make a move on her fianc-

Xiao Hua, Shen Li, Ye Liu and Chen Mi: .. I can almost imagine that devil-like image of her.

Shen Li shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, really that girl, she is such a trouble maker. If she doesnt learn how to restrain herself I am afraid that she will end up creating a big mess one day.

Chen Mi sympathetically patted his brother Shen as he smilingly spoke, dont worry, Brother Li. If wife creates a big mess I am sure that she will just wipe everyone out before they can call the yamen.

The other mers: . At least dont say such terrible things with that smile on your face! It looks horrifying!

In the end, Xiao Hua was the one who broke the silence, alright, I get it. You dont want to tell Yu Dong anything but still hate that you were treated like this?

At first Fang, Chi hesitated but then he nodded his head, Thats right.

alrighty then clapping his hands loudly, Xiao Hua winked slyly at Fang Chi and the group, follow me, we are going to have some fun.

They needed to have a very long talk about Xiao Huas definition of fun, as the four of them stared at the dingy pub in front of them, they couldnt help but feel terrified.

Brother Xiao, why did you bring us here? asked Fang Chi after he was able to summon enough courage, why were they here and what were they even doing in this place?

Exactly chimed Chen Mi though he tried to put on a brave face, his entire body was shivering.

Xiao Hua blew a kiss at them, oh dont worry little ones, you are perfectly fine with brother Hua. And then he kicked the door of the pub and shouted, whats up bitches? Get a move on!

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