Yuudai turned around as he saw Goku with his face to a hole that he created with a kamehameha wave. "Can you get us out of here!" Goku shouted. "Sure stand away from the wall though and in return I want the dragon radar." Yuudai said as he waited to hear confirmation. "Sure you can have just get us out of here!" Bulma squealed.

"KAAA-MEEEE-HAAAA-MEEEE-HAAA!!" Yuudai shouted as he blasted the wall into smithereens. "The radar please." Yuudai said as Goku shouted "Wait are you a friend of Master Roshi?"

"Yes I am Yuudai Master Roshi's adopted grandson. You must be Son Goku, Gohan's grandson." Yuudai said as Bulma tossed him the radar while looking at him.

Although Yuudai was quite handsome he was only 1 in a 1000 handsome not some 1 in a 1,000,000,000 lady killer level of handsome so Bulma wasn't amazed at how he looked. In fact her next words really pissed Yuudai off "Man although you say you're adopted you really resemble him. I don't know what it is..... AH you remind me of a pervert!" she said while hitting her fist onto her palm in a downward motion.

"Really!?" Yuudai said with his vein throbbing as he continued "You're a shapeshifter right? Turn into a pair of scissors." as he motioned to Puar. "Okay!" she said as she turned into scissors.

Yuudai grabbed them and swiftly cut Goku's tail off. Goku was frightened and screamed "MY TAIL!" "It's for your won good if you look at the full moon with your tail you'll turn into a great ape and kill everyone next to you." Yuudai said.

"Really?" Goku asked. "Yes really." Yuudai replied "Now I have to tell you something else Goku. I know you're going to search for the dragonballs to get back your 4-star dragonball so do me a favour. Get me the dragonballs and once I make the wish we can get the 4-star dragonball once it reverts to stone before it flies away." Yuudai continued.

"Mhmm how long does it take to become a normal dragonball again?" Goku asked "A year." Yuudai said. "Well I wanted to train with Master Roshi but I guess I could look for them right now." Goku said stupidly "Noooo! Listen go train with Gramps and everything will fall into place in due time. After the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament look for the dragonballs and naturally your path will cross mine. Tell Gramps I said hi and that I'll be back at around May. I am going to say hello to a kitty now. So deal?" Yuudai stated.

"Ya deal. Bye Yuudai!" Goku said as Yuudai walked off "What a weirdo." Bulma said as his silhouette faded into the distance.

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