Diary Of A Simple - Minded Idiot

Chapter 1 - Today seems like a great day to die!

13th day of the Second Month of the Burning Sun, year 371 a.G.C.

Reader, if you are reading this, then I am most probably dead…

¡Ha! Nothing better than a bit of humor to start things off, ain't it!?...

...I don't know why I listened to Hugh to buy a diary, this is so awkward, damn, even that first sentence that i wrote was all messy and confusing!

But i do have to say that now that i started I can't seem to stop…

Well, the reason why I am writing, let's see ~… Who am I kidding? I know perfectly well why I am doing this.

I am extremely nervous.

Yes, I am very nervous because tomorrow we will sail to new places for exploration, it was very exciting at first as it has always been my dream, but damn! Now i can't stop feeling nervous and anxious, even when I try to smile it seems very stiff, and even that Hugh noticed…

I am afraid, afraid of losing my way, afraid that all those years of training were in vain, afraid to be rejected again like I was from the Knight's Academy, afraid to be left in the dust like I was in the Magician Academy, afraid how the new technology is evolving so fast and I can't keep up with it as my brain has never been so good at processing all these stuff…

And i have to be honest, I am afraid of dying on the way, simply amounting to nothing.

Hahaha… maybe Hugh was right, I really needed this, well, he also told me to try to recount things of my past, as I am very forgetful… Hmmm, where should I start?

Hello me, I am Kevin Lunz, it is very nice to meet you, me.

Welp, I am a disaster at this, heh, but somehow i got a bit more refreshed!

Well, taking off where I left, I was born on the 20th day of the First Month of Rebirth, on the year 356 after the Great Catastrophe. I am 15 years old, a bit young to be an explorer, but I can manage, if not It will be very hard to survive in this place, after all, I am an orphan.

Well, being an orphan hasn't been so bad, in fact, I have been quite lucky, knowing the stories of other people that were in my position… Moving on, my parents died when I was 2 in a sudden raid by bandits, they fought valiantly, or so I was told by Uncle Klintz who took me in after that happened.

Uncle Klintz always liked to tell me stories of my parents to cheer me up sometimes, he taught me how to read and write, taught me spearmanship, how to use a gun and a little bit of magic, mostly reinforcement magic that is very useful to warriors and tends to be very simple as you use your body as a tangible object and it's versatility makes it one of the most widely spread magics.

That made me remember that time when I boasted I was a genius because I learnt Reinforcement in a day and could already lift Uncle Klintz in the air when I was 7, which Uncle simply laughed out loud and told me vividly "Boy, if you are a genius, then I wonder what are those monster that can already flatten a mountain at your age"

What a way to pour cold water on a child, Uncle! Hahaha...

You could say he was my father, he raised me, taught me and did everything he could to help me grow in every aspect. His last moments are a reflection of everything he told me about my own parents' death: An unyielding back, a firm will, and the courage of only a person that can stand up to their greatest fears could have…

I have to thank Hugh, this has really helped me a lot... I think I have found my way again.

Well, I should end it here, I don't want my new diary to get too wet because of the humidity here, after all, I think I'll be using it a lot from now on. I just hope the fountain pen that Uncle gave me will be able to keep up!

Uncle Klintz, Father and Mother, your child is very grateful to you, and I shall vow that from today onward I will do my very best to keep going forward.

As Uncle always said, today seems like a great day to die. I think I finally got it, or at the very least, I got it in my own way.

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