Avalon Reincarnated

Chapter 87 - Championzee

The Championzee is an old weathered fighter his hands are rough from years of experience, his grey beard the only thing messing with his perfect dark coat. He kicks a tree over slamming it into the ground as a large amount of mana goes into it from the Championzee. The tree crystalizes into a club.


Cho runs forward followed closely by Dani.

The Championzee lifts his right arm to swing it towards the pair.

Daniel combat cast three high-pressure wind cutter spells, at the same time Rose casts ice behind the feet of the Championzee to hold him in place.

Cho jumps up taking advantage of the moment created by Daniel and Diana. Dani uses her gravity power to amplify the weight of Dani tripling her the impact of her one-tonne fist. a cracking sound is heard as her fist lands.

Kwanda winces in pain as he sees Cho's fist land on the Championzee.

The fist impacts the Championzee directly on the temple. The Championzee heads snap back almost leaving its body behind. The force launches it back over eight hundred meters clearing a new open space in the forest.

"Yaata!!" Cho shows a victory symbol with her hand towards the group.

Diana laughs as the club flies right by head deflected by Greta who had used four of her Legion in an attempt to block the blow.


With the top half of his head caved in the Championzee is already on its last leg, his fur has gone from a dark color to a grey matching his beard.

"Its gone berserk!" says Rose who pulls out her ion sword and a shield leaping toward the Championzee.

After Throwing its club the Championzee stands up looking for the one that blocked its shot.

A large blast of mana released by Kwanda, striking it on the stomach.

OOOOH! the Championzee bends over from the impact bringing its head down far enough for Rose to be able to launch six slashes. The slashes are aimed at the eyes cutting at the softest area on the Championzee faces.

AAAOOHHH!!! The Championzee hands grab at his injured eyes.

Diana shoots out a lightning blast paralyzing the monster, Rose follows up with frost spears to the knees. Daniels runs under the monster, Cho is right behind him and so is Dani. Daniel uses a Wind Tornado launching the Championzee into the air.

Cho jumps up with all her power flying above the monster. Cho uses her earth magic to solidify her body increasing her weight to over ten tonnes. The sudden change in weight causes her body to shoot towards the directly meeting Championzee's back.

BOOM the bones of the monster's body sounds like an earthquake as they break. The Championzee is on its last life as the kids clear the area. A large amount of mana is projected by Dani who amplifies the falling speed of the Championzee.

Kwanda teleports her next to him right affect her spell takes affect.

The Championzee crashes into the ground that is full of ice spikes. The impact creates a crater about five hundred meters deep.

Daniel runs towards " Diana! did you get hurt? Are you okay? Tell me your okay!" Daniel is worried that club had almost hit her but he had not been able to her condition as he needed to do his part to end the fight as quickly as possible.

The signal that caused all of them to go full attack mode is the aura Kwanda unleashed. It is an aura that amplifies all their abilities it also ZZZZZ them but they mostly use it to fight.

"Yes I'm fine that was a close call, thanks Greta" Diana wipes her forehead and checks area of hair that was nearly hit by the club.

"No problem at least we are all okay, its been a while since we faced real danger I think we all a little rusty especially you!" Greta lunges at Cho trying to tickle her, she is acutely aware that Cho is going to start blaming herself. So she does what she can in this moment for her friend.

"Rose is looking around for now at the corpse of the monster we need to make sure that it won't come back from the dead," Kwanda says as he surveils the surrounding.

The monster around the fight starts to return as the area clams down but is quickly dispatched by Legion.

"Are we going to rest or continue forward, either way, I'm good?" Kwanda asks the group.

Rose says "I think we should be continued if the enemies are on levels now it should be more interesting once we enter the mountains' base."

"Yeah, that was really exhilarating don't you think? We should be able to grow in this place at this rate." Diana says as she pats Daniel on the shoulder. Daniel turns to Dani "How about you?"

"Yip! of course so far only Cho has had any fun right guys," Dani says.

They all agree and start teasing her a little with complaints like "yeah I only hit it once." and "we could have used to stretch if she held back a bit." even Kwanda joined at the moment after a close call with death the group is once again laughing with one another.

This time the monsters are stronger the kids have a harder time clearing them but they started to act more independently.

They do this until they come upon the mountain base, they all look pretty well of except for Daniel who looks pristine as if he has not fought a single monster. The individual training is to ensure that they survive if they are separated by some unknown force.

"Okay, guys lets setup for lunch I need to also check my something I found," says Cho she is setting up her forged the mineral she found is a yellow brick she thinks she can experiment with it.

"Yeah I fought some stinky bug-like thing I wanna take shower quick," says Rose as who creates a series of showers out of Ice. The water above them is heated by Diana's lightning.

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