Avalon Reincarnated

Chapter 62 - Return

The trip had proven very fruitful and enlightening to the siblings, many people had visited ancient sites before and never found a slither of knowledge about the past especially knowledge from before the second age besides the stories told by people to one another not a single soul had any evidence of the time of the Seven.

Kwanda was excited he had learned so many things about himself, his ancestors and power soon they would arrive home and share their discovery with the rest of their family especially since Kwanda and Wendy needed to chat about "The Great Evil" and it's agents, also now that he would tell her about his lineage. The Seven refers not only to the Gods but the Seven families that form his clan in their also lay another mystery that he wanted Wendy to know.

Kwanda, had been charged with destroying "The Great Evil, Bringing peace to realms and the investigation of the ancient tombs." What confused him is how these people perceive time, his was sure in his vision the old God's created the tombs, however the man said the new gods did.

Kwanda thought to himself, "the mystery of world, is extremely important to everything and no one seems to have a clue about it, even how Liza describes it is the same as the new gods." A powerful headache spread all across his mind making him, break into a cold sweat, his limbs went numb, his tongue pulsed in his mouth and his throat tightened, just thinking about it caused him great pain.

Then their is the case of today's magician all of them only know the ways of the New Gods in so far as Kwanda can tell the method of obtaining power from the universe has been completely lost until now.

At least the training of it was not something anyone can just do and their normal training methods were at least a decent foundation that could be used to later augment their developing powers. As long as he and his friends and family work hard they should all be able to gain their power.

That is Kwanda's biggest gain in all of this, the power of the old God's would be awakened in the world anew. For now thou he started the think about how to commune with the universe as the only with a fully developed crown he could begin the early stages of the obtaining God tier power of his own.

Upon arriving back home Wendy was waiting to take Liza and Kwanda to the port the holiday trip was about to begin, "Everyone is waiting for you guys on the airship make sure to choose a nice room." Wendy had of course made sure to give them heaps of hugs they had only been gone a day or so, this is because many people have simply disappeared never to return from the statues.

Kwanda was amazed by the runes of the airship, he could see a slight veil surrounding the Oaken Shell of the ship. The runes he read on the veil allowed him to decipher that this airship used gravity manipulation to fly, unlike the other air sh.i.p.s which used, a wind magic crystals for lift and propulsion. Interlaced in between the various Oaken was the a type metal Kwanda was not familiar with, it's huge frame completely silent expect for the people on board Kwanda thought that this shop with its wide frame could also easily float if needed to especially since it also used the wind catcher sail which can generate further thrust from as little bit of wind as a breathe. The inside of the ship was a monolith to wood in all its forms even the utensils were made out of wood on the ship.

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